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Eye versus body movement

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  • Eye versus body movement

    When playing today at the end I like to pot a few long ones to leave on a high so to speak, I missed a couple and was convinced I had a bit of body movement in my stroke, so I really concentrated on locking on and staying still, and I felt that it was the locking on that stopped it, I am trying to ask, do your eyes flick off the object ball because of body movement, then you miss, or do you flick your eyes, then your body follows them and then you miss, today I think it was the latter.
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!

  • #2
    If your eyes don't remain on the object ball at the time of strike you don't even need any body movement to miss the pot as the cue (grip actually) will follow the eyes. You may have body movement because of the eyes moving of the target though

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      I think that's what was happening Terry, as I felt I was cueing very well today , really nice tempo and feel , but at the end of the session maybe my eyes were tired, but I couldn't be sure if I was moving first and my eyes were trying to figure out what was going on so wandering a bit, or my eyes wandered first and my cue followed them, I always thought it was the first one but I definitely think it was the second today, as I didn't feel any tension in my upper arm or grip which I would normally if it's a bit of body movement.
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!

