As has been said before I used too much when I first tried it, then I played a good player in the club and he played a reverse side shot off a straight black and got the white up around the pink spot, and he hardly put anything on it(although he does time it very very well and does have a high break of 142 in a match ) he then showed me how much side to play with around the black, showing me check side shots off the bottom cushion to straighten the white up on the other side of the black, and a bit of running side just to widen the angle if a bit straight(not dead straight)this was all while still making his break,bloody show off lol ,it was all a bit advanced for me, and probably still is ,but one thing I took from it was the amount of side he was applying ,trace amounts no more than half a tip width, not at the edge of the ball as I thought you had to, it was a right eye opener.
Should have watched the video first , I can't believe Nic said exactly the same in his very first sentence.
Should have watched the video first , I can't believe Nic said exactly the same in his very first sentence.