How would you describe your rhythm on and around the snooker table?
How closely does this snooker rhythm mirror your natural rhythm in the other areas of your life?
Are you instinctive and quick to act on and off the table? or are you much more methodical and considered in both areas?
Are you even contrary in these two areas, perhaps instinctive and rash in life but slow and methodical at the snooker table?
In day to day life I am habitually very slow to take action (lazy), I am happy to think things through in detail meaning that when action needs to be taken I can often work decisively through a project from start to finish, although many things do go unfinished!* In many areas of my life there is a 'right way' to do things, a set of steps to follow to get the right result, things often become a bigger job as a result.* This not to an OCD level as I can function perfectly fine if things are not done this 'right way' and can choose to deviate from this if there is something else I would rather be doing, which there often is.*
On the table I am much more instinctive. Playing 8 ball I walk around the table twice on my first visit to the table plotting my way around the series of balls and then playing with a fairly quick rhythm from then on.* I suppose this is in-keeping with my approach to life and I feel comfortably able to play pool to a good standard.* Snooker though is a much more complex game! Since I stopped playing snooker as a teenager it has always been treated as just something to play every now and again and would play quickly as this came naturally.* Now I am much more focused on improving my snooker than I ever have been before and as a result have slowed everything down.* From selecting the shot to addressing the cue ball and to my cueing, it has all been slowed right down to allow me to focus on my technique.* It does feel like a real slog at the moment, I have seen some improvement but it has affected my pool performances.* There has been a couple of times where I have just let myself cut loose and I can feel myself speeding up to a natural rhythm with a nice flow to it as I play shots and make my way around the table.* It does feel good but at what cost to my technique?
I know that with regular table time my game will improve and as 'Practice makes permanent' I will get very good at producing a repeatable action whether it's good or bad as a result.* Should I fight what feels to be a natural rhythm for me to play in favour of pursuing a robotic technique and slower pace?
What has been your experience of any changes to your rhythm and flow whilst developing your game?*
How closely does this snooker rhythm mirror your natural rhythm in the other areas of your life?
Are you instinctive and quick to act on and off the table? or are you much more methodical and considered in both areas?
Are you even contrary in these two areas, perhaps instinctive and rash in life but slow and methodical at the snooker table?
In day to day life I am habitually very slow to take action (lazy), I am happy to think things through in detail meaning that when action needs to be taken I can often work decisively through a project from start to finish, although many things do go unfinished!* In many areas of my life there is a 'right way' to do things, a set of steps to follow to get the right result, things often become a bigger job as a result.* This not to an OCD level as I can function perfectly fine if things are not done this 'right way' and can choose to deviate from this if there is something else I would rather be doing, which there often is.*
On the table I am much more instinctive. Playing 8 ball I walk around the table twice on my first visit to the table plotting my way around the series of balls and then playing with a fairly quick rhythm from then on.* I suppose this is in-keeping with my approach to life and I feel comfortably able to play pool to a good standard.* Snooker though is a much more complex game! Since I stopped playing snooker as a teenager it has always been treated as just something to play every now and again and would play quickly as this came naturally.* Now I am much more focused on improving my snooker than I ever have been before and as a result have slowed everything down.* From selecting the shot to addressing the cue ball and to my cueing, it has all been slowed right down to allow me to focus on my technique.* It does feel like a real slog at the moment, I have seen some improvement but it has affected my pool performances.* There has been a couple of times where I have just let myself cut loose and I can feel myself speeding up to a natural rhythm with a nice flow to it as I play shots and make my way around the table.* It does feel good but at what cost to my technique?
I know that with regular table time my game will improve and as 'Practice makes permanent' I will get very good at producing a repeatable action whether it's good or bad as a result.* Should I fight what feels to be a natural rhythm for me to play in favour of pursuing a robotic technique and slower pace?
What has been your experience of any changes to your rhythm and flow whilst developing your game?*