Originally Posted by cyberheater
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I think vmax is right that alignment/ sighting errors are something to really think about and be aware of for poor players as this IMHO is the reason for the majority of missed pots (not from movement or from cueing across)... coaching can't really help you with this that much, you have to figure it out yourself I think...
I know I have cued balls just fine, no side etc, and just missed them, sometimes by miles. classic example being cut back blacks, doing nothing with cue ball, just miss by embarrassing amounts with no consistency.
I've tried a few things and I think it *might* be worth trying this. just before you start your walk onto the shot picture the line and make sure that your right (cue hand) hand is on this line. It's sounds strange to say this as you'd assume your cue hand would be on this but for poor players like me it's not all the time, sometimes the body is in the way. hence alignment is never right to start with.
you may sometimes have to alter where you stand to get this cue hand on line and also possibly twist your body out of the way. if you watch Ronnie/ Hendry they do twist to the side.
it's similar in principle to sometimes you see players actually point the cue, and then walk around the cue to get down. it means your cue hand is correctly on the line of aim.
the cut back blacks is a good test as your body is more in the way of your cue hand for this and you really have to work hard to work out the line and your starting place for your body with the cue hand on the line.
it may be that this is something that helps to become aware if you're missing balls by miles and u don't feel you have cued it badly.