I used to play a fair bit and was reasonably OK - could make regular 30 breaks which I was happy with.
After a long break last week I went to play again. I was really frustrated with how badly I played - I could barely pot anything other than very short range shots, tried some 1/4 ball safety shots and completely missed the red on several occasions, I had problems lining up the shot and keeping the cue straight when cueing, stance didn't feel comfortable and I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the cue ball when trying to pot something.
Basically it was all a bit nasty to be honest.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips on where to start with (re)building a game? Should I look at cue action? Stance? Just practice potting?
Is it worthwhile (and affordable £) for a very amature player to hire a coach for a few sessions? I mean I'm never going to be ROS but it would be nice to be able to pot a few balls!
After a long break last week I went to play again. I was really frustrated with how badly I played - I could barely pot anything other than very short range shots, tried some 1/4 ball safety shots and completely missed the red on several occasions, I had problems lining up the shot and keeping the cue straight when cueing, stance didn't feel comfortable and I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the cue ball when trying to pot something.
Basically it was all a bit nasty to be honest.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips on where to start with (re)building a game? Should I look at cue action? Stance? Just practice potting?
Is it worthwhile (and affordable £) for a very amature player to hire a coach for a few sessions? I mean I'm never going to be ROS but it would be nice to be able to pot a few balls!