I have to say I disagree with this and believe me myself and Nic Barrow have experimented with using side without a cushion in play. It's very hard to judge whether it is the side that is effecting the cueball or just you haven't potted the ball dead-centre in the pocket.
Using a 3/4 blue ball and trying to confirm we potted the blue in the exact centre of the pocket we found with the cueball running on about 3.5ft we got a variance of less than an inch at the end result. From this we gathered there was a very minute bit of side transferred and probably more if the balls were dirty.
The main reason coaches recommend not using side a lot is because it makes the pot more difficult as you have to compensate for that cueball throw. I know there are players who play consistently with what they sometimes call 'helping side' which would be on a cut to the right they would use some left hand side. Willie Thorne swears by it however note please that Willie only ever won one ranking tournament whereas those pros who prefer not to use side like Davis or Hendry for instance have proven to be much more consistent. If a player feels he plays better using side on the cueball all the time then he probably will as it will give him more confidence. Horses for courses in this case.
Also, on anything else but a straight-in shot you can get more throw on the cueball by using centre-ball but a bit more power.
Using a 3/4 blue ball and trying to confirm we potted the blue in the exact centre of the pocket we found with the cueball running on about 3.5ft we got a variance of less than an inch at the end result. From this we gathered there was a very minute bit of side transferred and probably more if the balls were dirty.
The main reason coaches recommend not using side a lot is because it makes the pot more difficult as you have to compensate for that cueball throw. I know there are players who play consistently with what they sometimes call 'helping side' which would be on a cut to the right they would use some left hand side. Willie Thorne swears by it however note please that Willie only ever won one ranking tournament whereas those pros who prefer not to use side like Davis or Hendry for instance have proven to be much more consistent. If a player feels he plays better using side on the cueball all the time then he probably will as it will give him more confidence. Horses for courses in this case.
Also, on anything else but a straight-in shot you can get more throw on the cueball by using centre-ball but a bit more power.