Originally Posted by j6uk
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What Terry has a problem with is dropping his shoulder before the strike on top of putting his cue arm forward of the vertical at address in order to sight better when the pressure is on. At 69 he hasn't that much time left to get a new action ingrained, he needs an immediate answer and although it will be hard to let go of his expensive MW cue he can buy a chinese cheapie 60 incher for £30 for practise with and if it works out he can get his MW extended and bollocks to the re-sale value, it's about playing is it not ?
Changing the grip yet again and playing well in practise on his own table has been done many times and with other adjustments than the grip, but something clicked with that 60 inch pool cue and I'm willing to bet it wasn't just the grip. That shoulder dropped two inches after the stroke because the cue is two inches longer and two inches is only the length of your index finger and is easy enough to get used to in ten minutes but can make a vast difference.
Looking at Robertson right now and his cue arm is slightly behind the vertical and he plays with a 59 inch cue I believe.
There's an old joke that rings true here
Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back ?
A: A stick !