Originally Posted by lesedwards
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It is one of those games though where it just seem that no-matter how much practice you put in some days nothing works. I can play for an hour or 2 potting nothing then suddenly start potting for no apparent reason. Other days I'll start off by potting well and it slowly unravels to me missing everything.
Think its the same for a lot of people, just gets frustrating then of course the cue is to blame or the table. When the balls are flying into the pockets its really enjoyable, when they're not you feel like snapping your cue, there doesn't seem to be any real explanation as to why its a game of swings and roundabouts. Just whatever happens on the day happens and that's it.
I do intend to try and concentrate on specific things though and see if any consistency comes from it, i do have some body movement that I've been told about (popping up on shots mainly) and i also need to get a more consistent cue action. I seem to speed up when i am potting well instead of keeping a steady pace.