You need decent technique, if your technique is sound it will get you through the nerves, if you doubt it ,you will do what you are doing, GET A CUE ACTION YOU CAN REPEAT TIME AFTER TIME. All the practice in the world won't matter if you are chopping and changing things all the time, pick something, anything that lets you cue reasonably straight ,then practice it for at least eighteen months ,even in matches, you are going to lose anyway so you may as well try your best too do things right, as coach Gav said switch from a results based to effort based game, but it's a very long road.
Lastly learn from your mistakes, I watched you do the colours and repeat the same shot over and over from green to brown coming back across the table when you could have just dropped the green in and been better on the brown, but no ,every shot the same, every result the same, not on the brown right, I don't understand this complete lack of thought.
Lastly learn from your mistakes, I watched you do the colours and repeat the same shot over and over from green to brown coming back across the table when you could have just dropped the green in and been better on the brown, but no ,every shot the same, every result the same, not on the brown right, I don't understand this complete lack of thought.