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The Les Edwards Snooker Challenge Thread

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  • people who count breaks on a lineup or whatever routine are the simple ones.

    If your routine was clearing the colours, would you run round the table fist pumping screaming you just had a 27 break? Would you buggery. You'd do that routine to try, say, different brown to blue shots.

    Like Leo said, lineups / routines etc are initially for goal setting / measuring progression, ingraining certain shots in your shot repertoire and recogonising positional patterns.

    If you're battling with things, like Les sounds as though he is, counting your breaks is only piling more pressure on yourself. If you must set yourself a counting target, just count how many consecutive balls you make. 10 balls = same as a 40 break, 36 balls = total clearance etc
    #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


    • Originally Posted by bolton-cueman View Post
      people who count breaks on a lineup or whatever routine are the simple ones.

      If your routine was clearing the colours, would you run round the table fist pumping screaming you just had a 27 break? Would you buggery. You'd do that routine to try, say, different brown to blue shots.

      Like Leo said, lineups / routines etc are initially for goal setting / measuring progression, ingraining certain shots in your shot repertoire and recogonising positional patterns.

      If you're battling with things, like Les sounds as though he is, counting your breaks is only piling more pressure on yourself. If you must set yourself a counting target, just count how many consecutive balls you make. 10 balls = same as a 40 break, 36 balls = total clearance etc
      Cheers mate unfortunately many on here don't do a bit of home truths and they carry on as they are and wonder why moving to their next level doesn't seem to happen. Completed my first line up when I was around 17 years old and I got just as much enjoyment completing that then Hitting my first ton which was couple of year later,
      For me the clearance should be the goal and if you don't clear it see it as failed which will then give people the motivation to knuckle down and make it a priority


      • Originally Posted by Leo View Post
        Cheers mate unfortunately many on here don't do a bit of home truths and they carry on as they are and wonder why moving to their next level doesn't seem to happen. Completed my first line up when I was around 17 years old and I got just as much enjoyment completing that then Hitting my first ton which was couple of year later,
        For me the clearance should be the goal and if you don't clear it see it as failed which will then give people the motivation to knuckle down and make it a priority
        I've never managed a clearance on the lineup... managed the 15 reds but bottled the black to yellow and just rolled the black in. Clear example of how I put pressure on myself, over thinking things and took the bottlers shot. was happy with 30 consecutive pots though.

        Also reinforced the notion of playing to my own level. I'll never be a clearance player, just not good enough. So I stopped beating myself up when I break down on 10 or 11 reds etc
        #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


        • Line up routines are all about cue ball control, I always play to never disturb another ball on the table, not even the smallest nudge is allowed, as a result my soft screw control increased ten fold in six months, plus using helping side to avoid cannons is real and certainly not to be avoided. My middle pocket potting also got much better as when you're below the black and can't avoid cannoning the red above it you must take pink to the middle.

          I have cleared the line up many times but never when I place all the reds from blue to baulk, much, much harder to achieve, pesky green and yellow always in the way


          • I think this topic has run its course and most of us agree that the line up is a solid all round practice routine.


            • Originally Posted by lesedwards View Post
              I know now I have a lot to learn and patience is a must. I will continue to work on the lineup as I now know when I start reach 80's and 90's that I am improving.
              I'm also start playing snooker again around 3 to 4 years ago after stop playing for 20 years.clear the line up many times,lots of 50s on cash game.from my experience to play consistancy you must practice how to hit straits and how to hit the white .any routine any excuse is useless if you don't know how to hit the white ball.hope this help.


              • Originally Posted by joejoe View Post
                I'm also start playing snooker again around 3 to 4 years ago after stop playing for 20 years.clear the line up many times,lots of 50s on cash game.from my experience to play consistancy you must practice how to hit straits and how to hit the white .any routine any excuse is useless if you don't know how to hit the white ball.hope this help.
                I agree with that. That's why I like to start by running the spots with reds both sides of brown, blue, pink & black. Cue ball back to tip. 10 times also 5 blues in middle follow cue ball in then 5 screw back in middle. Then I go into my line up and clear 2 or 3 reds.... what a joke eh? I am lacking concentration. Tried it couple times tonight before heading out for a game and it's just stupid stuff like making an easy ping at stopping the cue ball on the pink spot or making a red and not screwing back enough and leaving impossible angle on the black or pink. Well I will how my little match goes tonight.
                " Practice to improve not just to waste time "
                " 43 Match - 52 Practice - 13 Reds in Line Up "


                • Originally Posted by lesedwards View Post
                  I agree with that. That's why I like to start by running the spots with reds both sides of brown, blue, pink & black. Cue ball back to tip. 10 times also 5 blues in middle follow cue ball in then 5 screw back in middle. Then I go into my line up and clear 2 or 3 reds.... what a joke eh? I am lacking concentration. Tried it couple times tonight before heading out for a game and it's just stupid stuff like making an easy ping at stopping the cue ball on the pink spot or making a red and not screwing back enough and leaving impossible angle on the black or pink. Well I will how my little match goes tonight.
                  because you not hitting the white ball the rite way.look at j6uk video,must say he strike the white very good.try relax all your upper body when you hit the white,not just your grip hand,I mean your bridge hand,grip hand,neck and shoulder.hope this help,good luck
                  Last edited by joejoe; 4 November 2015, 12:31 AM. Reason: Extra


                  • Hi guys an update from my little match tonight. I won all three games and the first two by a big margin. The first game I was up 53 going into the colours with a couple mid 20's breaks and solid play the second game I was up by 65 going into the colours with a break of 45 which included 4 Blacks, 1 Pink and 1 Blue the last game was a little tighter but still won on the brown. I came home and thought I better go right at the line up. I ran 8 reds before stunning in a perfect red that should have been a soft screw which was my plan but just did not get low enough on the cue ball and left myself a difficult angle on the pink which I missed.
                    " Practice to improve not just to waste time "
                    " 43 Match - 52 Practice - 13 Reds in Line Up "


                    • Well Guys it looks like this post is history, thanks for all your time and help over the past year. I will leave everyone with one last post. Last night I ran 13 Reds which I was almost straight in on blue pocket and all I had to do was run the cue ball through for another blue with two reds left both sides of the blue and I got one huge kick. The cue ball did not move an inch leaving me dead middle of the table trying to make a pink over the house with extensions. I have been working on the line up hour upon hour and it's paying off.
                      " Practice to improve not just to waste time "
                      " 43 Match - 52 Practice - 13 Reds in Line Up "


                      • Sounds like you are getting there Les. Great result in your match too!
                        Maybe it is time this thread came to an end as it may of ran its course, but then again........
                        Good luck Les, I hope you continue to do well.
                        Did you put my "1" up ?


                        • Les,

                          It sounds like your enjoying the snooker. Well done to you.


                          • Originally Posted by danam1 View Post
                            Sounds like you are getting there Les. Great result in your match too!
                            Maybe it is time this thread came to an end as it may of ran its course, but then again........
                            Good luck Les, I hope you continue to do well.

                            Originally Posted by LucLex3119 View Post

                            It sounds like your enjoying the snooker. Well done to you.
                            Thanks guys, after reading over the last couple of weeks of posts and realized it was all about clearing the table and not about score the line up became enjoyable. I made some real great positional shots off the reds above the blue with mainly yellow balls as that is the easier ball for a lefty.
                            " Practice to improve not just to waste time "
                            " 43 Match - 52 Practice - 13 Reds in Line Up "


                            • Les,

                              Just to confirm was hat 13 reds with 13 colours you potted?


                              • Originally Posted by lesedwards View Post
                                Well Guys it looks like this post is history, thanks for all your time and help over the past year. I will leave everyone with one last post. Last night I ran 13 Reds which I was almost straight in on blue pocket and all I had to do was run the cue ball through for another blue with two reds left both sides of the blue and I got one huge kick. The cue ball did not move an inch leaving me dead middle of the table trying to make a pink over the house with extensions. I have been working on the line up hour upon hour and it's paying off.
                                lol, the drama. briliant, epic

