Alright guys, I've recently taken up the game again in an attempt to get back to my previous form and then improve furthermore. I started recording my practice session the other day, in hoping to uncover any bad habits or kinks in my technique etc.
I was hoping if anyone would be able to help me out here or give me some tips on what I may be doing wrong, or any obvious mistakes I am making that is causing me problems.
Here's the links to one of the videos:
A little bit of back story: I started playing when I was around 15 and played on average 5/6 hours a week for about a year. I also competed in a few Cuestars tourneys around the region, amassing my highest break of 52. I then unfortuantely broke my left wrist in a rugby match which resulted in my long period away from snooker. From then up until now (21 years old) I have played maybe once/twice every few months max. The club I also played the majority of time at has now closed down, so I now play at a local social club which has a one table setup.
After watching the videos back I couldn't believe some of the shots I was missing, I'd have never had missed them back when I was playing regularly and I can't quite work out why I am now.
Anyway any help at all would be much appreciated, cheers!
I was hoping if anyone would be able to help me out here or give me some tips on what I may be doing wrong, or any obvious mistakes I am making that is causing me problems.
Here's the links to one of the videos:
A little bit of back story: I started playing when I was around 15 and played on average 5/6 hours a week for about a year. I also competed in a few Cuestars tourneys around the region, amassing my highest break of 52. I then unfortuantely broke my left wrist in a rugby match which resulted in my long period away from snooker. From then up until now (21 years old) I have played maybe once/twice every few months max. The club I also played the majority of time at has now closed down, so I now play at a local social club which has a one table setup.
After watching the videos back I couldn't believe some of the shots I was missing, I'd have never had missed them back when I was playing regularly and I can't quite work out why I am now.
Anyway any help at all would be much appreciated, cheers!