I use side when its needed, however i think the coaches who say don't use side, its for beginners. because unless they can hit center and pot accurately they really wouldn't be sure of the cueball reaction when playing side and therefore when they miss they wouldn't be sure if it was side or any other fault with their game.
i was told by a coach once not to use side until yo are a regular 50 break player, and when using it to use it sparingly.
but i guess its upto the individual and there are plenty of players who use it almost on every shot , which i find bizarre, nevertheless its their choice. who am i to argue
i was told by a coach once not to use side until yo are a regular 50 break player, and when using it to use it sparingly.
but i guess its upto the individual and there are plenty of players who use it almost on every shot , which i find bizarre, nevertheless its their choice. who am i to argue