Originally Posted by thelongbomber
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Basically there is a lot to learn in this game - but you know the ball skids right and you know unless the shot is straight the exact front of the white does not hit the exact back of the OB yes? So if you hit centre ball what part on the front of the white is hitting the contact point on the OB on a cut shot?
Keep your eyes on the line through the ob ball to the pocket - at what point does this contact point ever move? answer never -
All that you need to do is hit that point on the object ball and ball goes in - try playing with the white aim at specific points all over the table marked with blocks of chalk or just pot the white ball in the pocket using left of centre striking or right of centre - can you not do that?
So many people think they are doing it wrong because a coach says you must hit centre ball - that is harder to do consistently than anything I think - so I think JUST doing this is a flawed and limiting method that has been peddled by too many coaches for too long.