For me, I think the only problem with keeping your elbow high and just having a longer backswing/more effort for harder shots is that for a power shot you have to put a lot more effort in, which is more likely to result in cueing across the line. The drive method - dropping your hand as you cue through, means more of the larger muscles are involved and its easier to generate power. The problem with this method is more moving parts meaning risk of cueing off-line. And also (perhaps something for th eOP to consider?) dropping your hand as you deliver the cue results in a seesaw effect, so as the butt drops, the tip comes up. So while you think you've aimed low on the white, you end up striking nearer the middle. Note that players like ROS (who really uses the drive method) has to manipulate his right wrist on delivery/follow-through in order to counter the seesaw effect.
If you're unable to get screw on the white - as others has said - you're either not hitting low on the white, your not accelerating through, or your grip is tight/wrist is rigid (or combination of these).
For what its worth, my advice for learning the screw shot is to start with a very light grip, and pot balls off the blue spot into the middle pocket. Start with the white very close to the object ball (maybe only 1-2 feet away) and hit the white really quite gently (enough so the object ball comfortably reaches the pocket). Aim as low on the white as you dare. (unless your striking downwards too much and/or your tip is almost non-existant you won't rip the cloth!). Keep knocking balls in and try to build up the power, once you've got a feel for how low to strike. Within no time you should be able to pot the white in the opposite middle bag.
If you're unable to get screw on the white - as others has said - you're either not hitting low on the white, your not accelerating through, or your grip is tight/wrist is rigid (or combination of these).
For what its worth, my advice for learning the screw shot is to start with a very light grip, and pot balls off the blue spot into the middle pocket. Start with the white very close to the object ball (maybe only 1-2 feet away) and hit the white really quite gently (enough so the object ball comfortably reaches the pocket). Aim as low on the white as you dare. (unless your striking downwards too much and/or your tip is almost non-existant you won't rip the cloth!). Keep knocking balls in and try to build up the power, once you've got a feel for how low to strike. Within no time you should be able to pot the white in the opposite middle bag.