I was talking to a very good player at the local club the other day, he is on average 60 to 80 break player, with highest 130+. He told me that I should "press down" on the cue, or in other words, have some downward pressure on the bridge. This will make the cue more stable on impact with the white.
I could not understand how that could be done, since there seems to be no natural way of doing this with the grip hand, or does this mean the chin or the chest should be pressing down? I kinda doubt this. I always thought the only pressure on bridge should be the weight of the cue itself. He said this can be done by the grip hand, in any way I feel natural with, to exert some pressure on the cue to press down on the bridge.
Could coaches here tell me whether this is correct? If so, how this downward pressure can be done?
By the way, Higgins seems have his chin press pretty hard on the cue, how does the cue still move freely with this?
Thank you!
I could not understand how that could be done, since there seems to be no natural way of doing this with the grip hand, or does this mean the chin or the chest should be pressing down? I kinda doubt this. I always thought the only pressure on bridge should be the weight of the cue itself. He said this can be done by the grip hand, in any way I feel natural with, to exert some pressure on the cue to press down on the bridge.
Could coaches here tell me whether this is correct? If so, how this downward pressure can be done?
By the way, Higgins seems have his chin press pretty hard on the cue, how does the cue still move freely with this?
Thank you!