Hi guys, I'm pretty new to the forum, and trying to pick up a couple of hints or tips. My top break is low 30's, but to be honest was pretty lucky. If I played 5 or 6 frames on a night with friends, I'd have max 2 breaks in the teens.
My main problem is that I 'jab' the cue ball quite a lot, particularly on delicate shots rather than following through but haven't yet mentally worked out how to follow through when either I want to play a delicate shot with a short backswing, or when the object ball is close to the cue ball.
Given that the backswing can be anywhere between 1 and 10 inches for different shots, what should the length of my follow through be? Is it the same on all shots regardless of the length of backswing, or does the length of the backswing dictate the length of the follow through at all? Is there any shot where you should have a longer follow through than backswing?
If anybody has any advice on this, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!!
My main problem is that I 'jab' the cue ball quite a lot, particularly on delicate shots rather than following through but haven't yet mentally worked out how to follow through when either I want to play a delicate shot with a short backswing, or when the object ball is close to the cue ball.
Given that the backswing can be anywhere between 1 and 10 inches for different shots, what should the length of my follow through be? Is it the same on all shots regardless of the length of backswing, or does the length of the backswing dictate the length of the follow through at all? Is there any shot where you should have a longer follow through than backswing?
If anybody has any advice on this, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!!