Having read huge amounts of data on this site over many months, I can't help feeling that anyone new, interested in learning how to play the game of snooker, believes that a Masters degree in physics is required, before taking up a cue to play a shot. You can, easily, over-complicate the whole thing to such a degree that failure is the only feeling you experience when stepping up to play. The 'you must do it like this' or 'you will never pot a ball with that stance' and 'There is only one way to play this game' is all nonsense !!! Take some time out to watch some vids of Alex Higgins. He potted some of the most extraordinary pots I have ever seen, while his head was moving like a nodding donkey, his cue was pointing straight up to the ceiling within a milli second of striking the white, and he was stood up straighter than a guardsman before his cue had finished its stroke. OK, it is not something that would work for most of us, but I believe, IF YOU ARE JUST STARTING OUT, there are only a few basics to get you going. Practice makes permanent !! so practice a few basics which are good practice to get you going. Remember, the most important thing is to push the cue through in a straight line, particularly on straight shots.
Keeping the head and the upper body still, is essential to do this. As far as stance goes, find out what is best for you. Steve Davis won world championships with a boxer stance, left leg ahead of right, but later won world championships with a straight on stance i.e. both feet in line and the body pointing on the line of the shot. This is my preferred stance, as I have a dominant right eye and it suits me best. Ray Reardon turned his body slightly to the right, but nowhere near as much as Joe Davis. John Parrott cued under his left eye. John Virgo under his right and Davis and Terry Griffiths had an even sighted approach, ie cue under nose and chin. Frank Callan says 'If the eye which is doing the sighting is not directly over the cue, you will have a strong tendency to hit across the ball'.
As you progress, maybe a more in depth look at your action is required and a good coach, like Nic Barrow will improve on what you have worked on. But the more information you try to put into your head, and the more complicated you make the physics, the less you will enjoy playing, and even worse, the more likely you are to completely wreck your game. Leave the degree in physics to the 100 break people who want to make the maximum. Keep upper body and head still. Cue straight. And have your eyes on the object ball when you strike the cue ball. Push the cue through the ball. Stay down on the shot until the ball is potted. Practice these basics - Practice makes Permanent - Permanent = Consistency - And have a set plan each time you go to practice. The worst thing you can do is just turn up - and start hitting balls. I always have a set plan with a set goal. I practice straight blues off its spot (to all corner pockets) for 15 minutes. Then I practice a short line up (Blue, Pink and Black with four reds between P and B and the object is 45 points, 50 being max) for 15 minutes. Then I practice Blue,Pink and Black in that order with accent on position for 15 minutes, Then practice long pot Reds for 15 minutes (cue ball from D, and reds placed in positions found after a break off or after a good safety.)
Most of all - enjoy what you are doing. Leave the complicated physics to the pro's and top amateurs - set your goals and achieve them regularly so that you can move on to the next stage.
Top coaches and "experts" will pull this advice to pieces - but don't be put off - you will see great improvements - and if you really want to go 'in depth' - go out and buy 'Frank Callan's Snooker Clinic'. It may have been published in 1989 and snooker has moved on a great deal, but believe me, with the grounding from this book YOU will become a much better player.
Keeping the head and the upper body still, is essential to do this. As far as stance goes, find out what is best for you. Steve Davis won world championships with a boxer stance, left leg ahead of right, but later won world championships with a straight on stance i.e. both feet in line and the body pointing on the line of the shot. This is my preferred stance, as I have a dominant right eye and it suits me best. Ray Reardon turned his body slightly to the right, but nowhere near as much as Joe Davis. John Parrott cued under his left eye. John Virgo under his right and Davis and Terry Griffiths had an even sighted approach, ie cue under nose and chin. Frank Callan says 'If the eye which is doing the sighting is not directly over the cue, you will have a strong tendency to hit across the ball'.
As you progress, maybe a more in depth look at your action is required and a good coach, like Nic Barrow will improve on what you have worked on. But the more information you try to put into your head, and the more complicated you make the physics, the less you will enjoy playing, and even worse, the more likely you are to completely wreck your game. Leave the degree in physics to the 100 break people who want to make the maximum. Keep upper body and head still. Cue straight. And have your eyes on the object ball when you strike the cue ball. Push the cue through the ball. Stay down on the shot until the ball is potted. Practice these basics - Practice makes Permanent - Permanent = Consistency - And have a set plan each time you go to practice. The worst thing you can do is just turn up - and start hitting balls. I always have a set plan with a set goal. I practice straight blues off its spot (to all corner pockets) for 15 minutes. Then I practice a short line up (Blue, Pink and Black with four reds between P and B and the object is 45 points, 50 being max) for 15 minutes. Then I practice Blue,Pink and Black in that order with accent on position for 15 minutes, Then practice long pot Reds for 15 minutes (cue ball from D, and reds placed in positions found after a break off or after a good safety.)
Most of all - enjoy what you are doing. Leave the complicated physics to the pro's and top amateurs - set your goals and achieve them regularly so that you can move on to the next stage.
Top coaches and "experts" will pull this advice to pieces - but don't be put off - you will see great improvements - and if you really want to go 'in depth' - go out and buy 'Frank Callan's Snooker Clinic'. It may have been published in 1989 and snooker has moved on a great deal, but believe me, with the grounding from this book YOU will become a much better player.