Originally Posted by Byrom
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then you may wanna tell me, why he was in the final 6 times and he couldn't win!! why he could'nt just get over the edge ( exact on the time when he needed to )
It was the technique thing or mentally ????
C Henry is a great coach, no doubt about it!! but he lives in a ghost country (fantasy world).
you're right, you could perhaps help a player mentally, for one or two games, but you can never change his natural instinct (where he is born with) forever. is imopssible. ...And finally when the pressure arrives, he falls back to his mental properties where he is born with!!
Yes, you can go dancing around the snooker table (like bunch of Indians) and ask snooker god for extra mental strength and beliveing in urself (just like C henry suggests), to win the match . but you will eventually see that the reality is not what you thought it is !!!!
of crs,,, not saying u can'nt give it a try !! so on that point , i do agree with you.
good post, btw !!