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Stay calm, and in the moment...

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  • Stay calm, and in the moment...

    Stringing together a few things from other threads, this is a problem that I definitely have. How do you stay calm, and in the moment, and let the shot, your technique, and your drill be the only thoughts you have on a shot?

    I know for myself that tension or excitement builds at certain times. On a decent (for me) break, every shot builds the pressure. In the balls and potentially leaving your opponent if you miss. I know not to do this, but knowing and doing are different things. anyone have any tips, or is it just a question of practice, and being accustomed to the pressure (and knowledge of a secure technique carrying you through)?

  • #2
    Practice really does trump all...

    It's hard for us to be honest... I find my form is dependant with how my mood is that day to be honest.


    • #3
      I can imagine that time on the table, confidence in technique, and the knowledge that you have the capability to make the shot consistently is a big factor. time on the table is a constraint I have. I know it will limit my ability as a player.....but it's still frustrating getting excited, and knowing that makes me miss pots, or muck up position, because of the butterflies!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
        I can imagine that time on the table, confidence in technique, and the knowledge that you have the capability to make the shot consistently is a big factor. time on the table is a constraint I have. I know it will limit my ability as a player.....but it's still frustrating getting excited, and knowing that makes me miss pots, or muck up position, because of the butterflies!
        My technique never enter my head and ain't done for years, it's something that if its not coming natural then you've got a long way to go.


        • #5
          Oh, I definitely have a long way to go. I've never averaged more time at the table in a month, than a pro does in a day of practice. I've not played for around three or four years (broken wrist, that never properly got better), and was at that time a year into re-modelling my game. I've only recently got back to the tables. My aspirations are not at the level of you two gentleman's level, but I still hope to learn and improve.....


          • #6
            Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
            Stringing together a few things from other threads, this is a problem that I definitely have. How do you stay calm, and in the moment, and let the shot, your technique, and your drill be the only thoughts you have on a shot?

            I know for myself that tension or excitement builds at certain times. On a decent (for me) break, every shot builds the pressure. In the balls and potentially leaving your opponent if you miss. I know not to do this, but knowing and doing are different things. anyone have any tips, or is it just a question of practice, and being accustomed to the pressure (and knowledge of a secure technique carrying you through)?
            You're talking about getting in the zone which requires not giving two hoots but focusing at the same time, having no fear of missing but every ambition to make the shot and giving the job your full attention but not in an anxious way. Confidence is key, which comes from technique and form = practice as Pottr says. The most important thing to get across is that it doesn't matter, it really doesn't. It's not your living, you ain't goin to the crucible so enjoy, smile and laugh at the misses. Enjoy and get a buzz out of potting, this will put you in a positive frame of mind to take things on and not swerve tough shots. Enjoy the adrenalin, it's as good as sex when you pot like a pro.

            If the break numbers are killing you, get a mate to count the break silently and try not to count it yourself. Just concentrate three shots forward.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Master Blaster View Post
              You're talking about getting in the zone which requires not giving two hoots but focusing at the same time, having no fear of missing but every ambition to make the shot and giving the job your full attention but not in an anxious way. Confidence is key, which comes from technique and form = practice as Pottr says. The most important thing to get across is that it doesn't matter, it really doesn't. It's not your living, you ain't goin to the crucible so enjoy, smile and laugh at the misses. Enjoy and get a buzz out of potting, this will put you in a positive frame of mind to take things on and not swerve tough shots. Enjoy the adrenalin, it's as good as sex when you pot like a pro.

              If the break numbers are killing you, get a mate to count the break silently and try not to count it yourself. Just concentrate three shots forward.
              You are not doing it right


              • #8
                thr re a few old threads here on the forum !! all about getting in the zone and that kind of stuff !! u may wanna read them as well !! could be useful !!


                • #9
                  i think that we play from memory, and the more you practice and get good at certain shots you play them instinctively, the same goes for the ones you regularly miss, subconsciously when one comes up, although you might not be nervous inside your subconscious knows and you end up with doubt on the shot.

                  this is what happens to me , i can be relaxed and not nervous but certain shots i always struggle with, its not that i can't pot them, its the consistency .

                  the only way i feel is practice , practice .....practice.

                  the better you become at a shot it becomes locked into your memory and when they come up in a game you will play them without thinking.
                  obvious there can be other factors too , like fatigue which can lead to a lack of concentration and focus , but for me at least its the positive and negative thoughts that effect my game the most.

