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GoPro Snooker training analysis

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  • GoPro Snooker training analysis

    Seeing Nic Barrow using this technique in one of his videos, I borrowed a GoPro headcam from a colleague and used it last night. The idea was to get another point of view on my game, as I have been struggling to cue straight as of late.
    So I made a series of videos I uploaded on YT so everyone can have a look:

    I already was able to spot a few deficiencies in my game from these videos but I am curious to get your input guys...What do you think?
    Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips

  • #2
    I use a GoPro with my students all the time and it is a great way to show people visually where they are going wrong. I also use Coaches Eye on the iPad for replaying shots and line overlays, video can be imported from the GoPro.

    Can not really judge stance and cueing from a head worn camera but from only watching the first minute of your first video I can see that you are not using a developed pre shot routine, it is as if you are almost sidestepping around the table to get to your next shot instead of getting lined up and walking into your shot.

    If you can get hold of another GoPro sync the time codes and just place one overlooking the table you can then use editing software to sync up the two feeds and show a side by side video of you approaching the table and the head cam view which will give you better feedback and allow others to see your full technique properly.

    Well done on the video's though (I will watch all of them when I have time)

    Next time I am down the club I will record what my GoPro does as I connect mine to my iPad place it just off to the right of the object ball and put the GoPro right next to the cue ball, this allows my students to see where on the cueball they are actually hitting on the iPad screen (I have a 5 second delay on the video) Most people hit above where they think they are hitting, I also use Nic Barrow's Ultimate Training Ball and ask my students to say hit at +1 or -1 then they can see from the video where they are actually hitting the ball.


    • #3
      Thanks Ferret.

      I am a bit surprised though about your comment on the pre-shot routine because this is something I usually do all the time, respecting the same things. Maybe last night I was so focus on other things that I forgot unconsciously to respect this. I usually pattern my routine on Steve Maguire's, in terms of timing.
      On stance, I am really struggling to find a solid position, one I am comfortable with. I've tried everything, boxer, square...with mixed results. For example, curiously, if I place my right foot in the line of aim, then place my left foot to complete the stance (mainly in boxer style), I feel my right hip is obstructing the path of the cue, leading me to slightly move the buttto the right, when executing the backswing. So I get the back of the cue of of the line....which is probably why I am cueing accross the ball down the road. I'll try to find footage of this later tonight, as I have some other videos stored.
      Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
        Thanks Ferret.

        I am a bit surprised though about your comment on the pre-shot routine because this is something I usually do all the time, respecting the same things. Maybe last night I was so focus on other things that I forgot unconsciously to respect this. I usually pattern my routine on Steve Maguire's, in terms of timing.
        On stance, I am really struggling to find a solid position, one I am comfortable with. I've tried everything, boxer, square...with mixed results. For example, curiously, if I place my right foot in the line of aim, then place my left foot to complete the stance (mainly in boxer style), I feel my right hip is obstructing the path of the cue, leading me to slightly move the buttto the right, when executing the backswing. So I get the back of the cue of of the line....which is probably why I am cueing accross the ball down the road. I'll try to find footage of this later tonight, as I have some other videos stored.
        When you place your left foot swing the hip to the left about 4" or so but keep your weight evenly distributed on both legs/feet. This will not only get the trouser pocket and hip out of the way of the grip hand but will also give you a more stable stance.
        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          Thanks Terry!
          As promised a bit more material to discuss. These vids are from last year and I really hate my robotic attitude on the preroutine shot but at least you have a clearer view of my stance...
          Tried several views (lateral, from behind, from front). You can see I'm struggling to find a proper alignment, switching from even-sighted shots to slightly right-eyed ones...

          PS: also, your thoughts about my grip/bridge? I don't' like my current bridge (from the headcam view), it kind or forces my wrist in an unnatural position so I think it should point more inwards that outwards, don't you think?
          Last edited by Erwan_BZH; 19 June 2015, 09:33 PM.
          Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Erwan_BZH View Post
            Thanks Terry!
            As promised a bit more material to discuss. These vids are from last year and I really hate my robotic attitude on the preroutine shot but at least you have a clearer view of my stance...
            Tried several views (lateral, from behind, from front). You can see I'm struggling to find a proper alignment, switching from even-sighted shots to slightly right-eyed ones...


            PS: also, your thoughts about my grip/bridge? I don't' like my current bridge (from the headcam view), it kind or forces my wrist in an unnatural position so I think it should point more inwards that outwards, don't you think?
            The eye alignment is not really important unless you have one eye with weaker vision than the other and in that case the cue should be brought more underneath (but not necessarily directly underneath the good eye). Try and discover which eye you use for sighting and align nearer that eye for the best results. Just remember, do the same thing all the time and don't go changing or altering things all the time as you will never improve doing that since you will always be experimenting.

            As far as bridge goes, maybe turn the wrist slightly to the right for more stability. Your grip looks fine so just stick with one and don't change that around either.
            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


            • #7
              I've been right-eyed since I took up the game but throughout the times I have swapped from playing with cue bang in the middle under the chin to slightly to the right of the chin. Can't determine which brings me best results though, paradoxically
              Ton Praram III Series 1 | 58" 18.4oz 9.4mm | ash shaft + 4 splices of Brazilian Rosewood | Grand Cue medium tips


              • #8
                Looks very interesting this Gpro..
                I wonder how it works ? You just put the camera on your head ?? If so , can you change the angel of camera ??
                Never seen something like this !!
                Anyway,, goodluk with practic !!


                • #9
                  dont know if you feel you want/need anymore imput erwan, but what are you doing in pracrice and how many hours are you doing a week?


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
                    Looks very interesting this Gpro..
                    I wonder how it works ? You just put the camera on your head ?? If so , can you change the angel of camera ??
                    Never seen something like this !!
                    Anyway,, goodluk with practic !!
                    The camera will tell you if your upper body is moving during the backswing and delivery. It's tough to change the camera angle and you should actually use 2 camera, one on the head like the GoPro and one on a tripod.
                    Terry Davidson
                    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                    • #11
                      i would be intereste to try the so called gpro/ headcam on the table but from what iv watched so far, i see nothing that would actually help a player to improve. if anything it adds to the confusion soup


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                        The camera will tell you if your upper body is moving during the backswing and delivery. It's tough to change the camera angle and you should actually use 2 camera, one on the head like the GoPro and one on a tripod.
                        Sorry , I did'nt saw ur replay !! Many thanks !!
                        To be honest , I just do'nt understand how is it possible notice body movmnt DURING the cue action !!
                        I mean , if you say AFTER the cue action by whaching the video , that would make sense to me !! ( of crs , Not saying I do'nt belive you ) . It's just , never seen something like this !!
                        Anyway ,, if I ever get the chance to try it ,, I'll do that !! Sounds intresting !!
                        Last edited by Ramon; 27 June 2015, 03:37 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                          i would be intereste to try the so called gpro/ headcam on the table but from what iv watched so far, i see nothing that would actually help a player to improve. if anything it adds to the confusion soup
                          Me too !!!
                          J6 ,if you ever get the chance to try it I would appreciate it if you give your view about it here. ( if you have time , of crs ).
                          To be honst , just curious how it works !!


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
                            Sorry , I did'nt saw ur replay !! Many thanks !!
                            To be honest , I just do'nt understand how is it possible notice body movmnt DURING the cue action !!
                            I mean , if you say AFTER the cue action by whaching the video , that would make sense to me !! ( of crs , Not saying I do'nt belive you ) . It's just , never seen something like this !!
                            Anyway ,, if I ever get the chance to try it ,, I'll do that !! Sounds intresting !!
                            I didn't mean the player (or student) is playing and watching his technique in real time as that would be impossible wouldn't it. Like any other video analysis you record the video and then sit with the student and watch it together so the student can see what he's actually doing.

                            Besides, GoPro doesn't have a WiFi facility so you would have to have the player dragging around a USB cable while he was playing and if he's looking at the TV monitor then he can't be looking at the object ball (or CB, whatever your preference). This was always meant for after analysis, the same as any other video analysis in any sport.
                            Terry Davidson
                            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                              I didn't mean the player (or student) is playing and watching his technique in real time as that would be impossible wouldn't it. Like any other video analysis you record the video and then sit with the student and watch it together so the student can see what he's actually doing.

                              Besides, GoPro doesn't have a WiFi facility so you would have to have the player dragging around a USB cable while he was playing and if he's looking at the TV monitor then he can't be looking at the object ball (or CB, whatever your preference). This was always meant for after analysis, the same as any other video analysis in any sport.
                              well, in that case, thanks for the clarification!!
                              a bit misunderstanding of my side !! sorry about that !!!

