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Starting to think it isn't object ball

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by tedisbill View Post
    Don't ever think about what you're looking at. Just concentrate on controlling the cue. Once you become aware of what your eyes are looking at, it's game over.
    I don't agree with that entirely but if it becomes a passion then yes
    It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



    • #17
      Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
      not for me..
      i believe you need a system to be consistent
      Off topic this but nice to see you've treat yourself to a new keyboard Jason
      It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



      • #18
        Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
        not for me..
        i believe you need a system to be consistent
        Interesting. I certainly don't think about my eyes. Just concentrate on making sure I'm gonna hit the cue ball exactly where I want, and that I control the cue.

        I also remember an interview with Ronnie on his show recently. I've quoted the relevant part below:

        Andy Goldstein "when you're erm, when you're down on the shot, is the last ball you look at the cue ball, or the object ball?"

        Ronnie: "errrrr, I don't even know to be honest with ya. No, I don't even know. I 'spose it's meant to be the object ball, but I; sometimes I find myself looking at the white".
        WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
        Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


        • #19
          i could say what ronnie do you want, but this seems to be how he sights an i believe him
          i dont know what its like to have trained all the hrs he has or to play a world class pro infront of tons of people with millions watching on the screan, plus to be so talented at the chosen sport. but that honed technique is systematic


          • #20
            Interesting vid but with him it's so natural he could close his eyes and still pot it and get perfect position
            It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



            • #21

              Yeah, he's the same as me. But I don't actually think about it when I'm playing. It's the road to ruin.
              WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
              Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


              • #22
                Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
                Interesting vid but with him it's so natural he could close his eyes and still pot it and get perfect position
                It's not natural. It's hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of hitting balls when he was a kid. Then more hours as he got older, and then some more.
                WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by tedisbill View Post
                  It's not natural. It's hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of hitting balls when he was a kid. Then more hours as he got older, and then some more.
                  You missed my point Ted, of course he's put the hours in but now it's natural to him
                  It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
                    I haven't read any of Chris Henry's ideas but it has been feeling much more natural in amongst the balls although for longer shots i do flick more between the two,either way I've got my Mojo back
                    Hope u do'nt mind me asking this !!
                    Are you sayin you look at the CB ( u keep ur eye on the CB ) at the time of striking , without looking at the OB ,, and you pot the OB ??
                    What I mean is ,, you do'nt look at the OB AT ALL ( at the time of contact between the tip and CB ) , and still re able to pot the OB ??
                    Last edited by Ramon; 27 June 2015, 04:15 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by tedisbill View Post

                      Yeah, he's the same as me. But I don't actually think about it when I'm playing. It's the road to ruin.
                      change ruin to development an im with you.. a few years before selby became masters champion he was a fishing rod away from the white whilst down on the shot, then he switched to a different technique and took a step in so as to be more compact, then he took off


                      • #26
                        Just to share, when potting straight blue from baulk line in training, I get a better results (8/10) if I locked on the CB on final strike. Can't do the same for any other pots except for dead straight shots. Can't explain why but since its working well, i'll stick with it.
                        I think at the end of the day, there's NO "wrong" technique and there is definitely no best technique for all as it is individual preferences and whichever makes you fly, just stick with it and mastered it

                        cheers, Z


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by Zhuge View Post
                          Just to share, when potting straight blue from baulk line in training, I get a better results (8/10) if I locked on the CB on final strike. Can't do the same for any other pots except for dead straight shots. Can't explain why but since its working well, i'll stick with it.
                          I think at the end of the day, there's NO "wrong" technique and there is definitely no best technique for all as it is individual preferences and whichever makes you fly, just stick with it and mastered it

                          cheers, Z
                          i can, its dead stright. when you can do it on every stot let us know until then its wrong, but more power to you


                          • #28
                            Ive always been a person who flicks between balls when im playing and try let my natural game take over but i have recently noticed as ive became more aware that on the straight or just off straight shots where i can see ob, cb and pocket im more of an ob player and that changes when i have delicate little cut backs....

                            I think we all mustn't try tinker with our natural game as it will mess with your game.


                            • #29
                              I've studied hundreds of hours of professional snooker over the years and, excluding daft trick shots, masses and exhibition shots, I have NEVER seen a pro take a serious shot without looking at the object ball at the time of strike.


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by misspentoldage View Post
                                I've studied hundreds of hours of professional snooker over the years and, excluding daft trick shots, masses and exhibition shots, I have NEVER seen a pro take a serious shot without looking at the object ball at the time of strike.
                                You are quite correct when it comes to many professional players, but by no means all. Amongst the professional ranks there are a variety of different 'eye' techniques, including looking at the cue ball until the final split second. I have seen this countless times myself contrary to your own observations. Chris Henry has also carried out very detailed close video scrutiny on top players during the shot and found the same. What possible reason has he to lie about the results? Having said all that, the best advice is do what comes naturally and don't think about it too much. Unless you struggle to play well, of course, then I believe technique needs to be thoroughly analysed if you wish to get consistently better.

