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What do you expect from a snooker coach ??

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  • #31
    I agree with V-max I have seen some people pay for lessons hours and hours and hours - a full day of coaching - In my opinion any more than a few hours at a time is pointless.

    You will forget the bits you have learned and you need many hours practice on those few hours and few bits you learn before the next lesson. There are people who think they can have coaching and be the next Ronnie and there are people who just are not coordinated enough and go back to old habits the minute the coach is gone.

    I do think that you need a varied approach to coaching as no two players are ever the same in the way they play or the way they learn and maybe some people can improve but it is obvious you get some that just won't.

    One coach who shall remain nameless was giving lessons and he made me laugh once - he said to this bloke who was quite clearly absolutely hopeless not taking in anything the coach was trying to say and argueing with the advice he was being offered and thus having a bad time on the table - at the end the guy said I just cant work out what's wrong.

    The coach looked at him and said - my advice to you is to put your cue away and have a break from the game for a few weeks -

    The guy looked at him and said - yeah good idea this might give me a fresh perspective I will do it, I will put my cue away for two weeks and then what should I do.

    The coach looked at the guy and smiled - Then I would give up for good - he said walking away and before he did he put the guy's 30 pound for his coaching hour back on the table and walked off.

    Might sound cruel but I actually admired his honesty.


    • #32
      What do you expect from a snooker coach ??

      In some defence to Nic Barrow. He worked with Ding and won 5 titles with him. The story I have heard is that Ding s manager then got rid of him before last year's World Championships. Perhaps they thought they had cracked it and no longer needed a coach.
      coaching is not just for the pros


      • #33
        Originally Posted by CoachGavin View Post
        In some defence to Nic Barrow. He worked with Ding and won 5 titles with him. The story I have heard is that Ding s manager then got rid of him before last year's World Championships. Perhaps they thought they had cracked it and no longer needed a coach.
        Are you saying that a pro ( like Ding Or .... ) Needs N Barrow , to play snooker and win ??????
        You can'nt be serious about this !!!


        • #34
          What do you expect from a snooker coach ??

          No. I never said that. However a coach can work with a player to win big tournaments or find that missing part of his or her game. Most sports have coaches that travel with the player even if it stops the boredom between matches etc. Tennis, golf and athletics all have coaches or even teams of coaches.
          coaching is not just for the pros


          • #35
            Originally Posted by CoachGavin View Post
            No. I never said that. However a coach can work with a player to win big tournaments or find that missing part of his or her game. Most sports have coaches that travel with the player even if it stops the boredom between matches etc. Tennis, golf and athletics all have coaches or even teams of coaches.
            This modern outlook on the need for coaching absolutely amazes me at times, I find it laughable that someone would need to be told how to actually run, I mean what the hell did Mo Farah learn from this Salazar bloke, left foot, right foot, faster, faster on the last lap, drink this Mo, there's nothing untoward in it.....................honestly


            • #36
              Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
              This modern outlook on the need for coaching absolutely amazes me at times, I find it laughable that someone would need to be told how to actually run, I mean what the hell did Mo Farah learn from this Salazar bloke, left foot, right foot, faster, faster on the last lap, drink this Mo, there's nothing untoward in it.....................honestly
              That's because you haven't hit the snooker heights and don't understand that just one edge can be the difference to gain a win. You only need to be 1% better than your opponent and you've got him. Ding two years ago with Nic Barrow working on his mind; utterly dominant. Ding last season; pants. No coincidence.


              • #37
                Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                And another thing, I would expect him to practise what he preaches so that I could see that that it actually does work.
                I agree with you vmax4steve.

                A friend of mine booked a lesson with a snooker coach about 25 years ago and I went along to watch. The lesson was going along quite nicely with the coach setting up certain shots for my friend to play until the coach commented on my friend's follow through. My friend was told he was "shoving the cue through the cue ball and not letting the cue do the work". My friend did not normally cue like this and I think in consciously attempting to keeps his cue action ramrod straight he was dis-locating his rhythm and timing. My friend asked the coach could he replicate his "shoving action" and show him what the correct cue ball strike would look like and offered his cue to the coach. The coach replied "Oh, god no!.. I've not played in years!" and refused my friend's request. Rightly or wrongly, the coach's credibility was made questionable by both of us.
                Last edited by mick farrell; 11 July 2015, 06:01 PM.


                • #38
                  Coaches have worked with O'Sullivan, Hendry and Ding
                  and many others so to say coaches are not needed is
                  perhaps rubbish. Every player is unique and so are their
                  needs. Murphy is an example of someone who has used
                  a coach and it has brought him back to his attacking style
                  and 147 or so.


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by CoachGavin View Post
                    No. I never said that. However a coach can work with a player to win big tournaments or find that missing part of his or her game. Most sports have coaches that travel with the player even if it stops the boredom between matches etc. Tennis, golf and athletics all have coaches or even teams of coaches.
                    a pro with 20 years of experience know damn well that he have to keep his head still during cue action or all other technical aspects of the game !! All he has to do is watching a video of himself and he can see what he is doing wrong Or what is the missing part of his game !!! but in case you're talking about a bginner or sum club player , then I'm agree with you !! most of the pros have a coach for the mental side of the game (at least that's what they're thinking ) !! Players such as S Hendry who have been dominated this game , are players who are mentally strong !! Of course, S Hendry had a cup of coffee with C Henry a few times But the idea that he won seven world titles cus of that , is the biggest nonsense I've ever heard of !!! ( not meant to offend you'r post , just in general speaking ) !!!


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by robertmac View Post
                      Coaches have worked with O'Sullivan, Hendry and Ding
                      and many others so to say coaches are not needed is
                      perhaps rubbish. Every player is unique and so are their
                      needs. Murphy is an example of someone who has used
                      a coach and it has brought him back to his attacking style
                      and 147 or so.
                      Brought him back ??
                      So he HAD a attacking style for a while before he used a coach ?? I wonder how that coms !!!
                      Last edited by Ramon; 12 July 2015, 04:54 AM.


                      • #41
                        What do you expect from a snooker coach ??

                        So are you saying Ramon that top players don't need a coach?
                        coaching is not just for the pros


                        • #42
                          There was a writeup about Murphy where it said that he
                          was encouraged to not only return to his attacking game
                          but to go for 147's as well. He did as suggested and got
                          a 147 (and several 'almost' 147's) and starting going for
                          potts as well with good results.


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by CoachGavin View Post
                            So are you saying Ramon that top players don't need a coach?
                            yep !! that's what I'm saying !! It's true , could be that a pro can play well and run a 147's again after sum talking with a coach , (of course it is only for a short time and after that he falls back to who ever he was), but this has nothing to do with a coach ,, it's All in his mind !! these guys know all technical aspects of the game !! as for the mental side of the game, you are who you are and you are only one who can change that !!! if you look at histry of this game, players who have been mentally dependent on a coach, have never been able to dominate this game !! that's because they are weak and dependent on someone else !! This entire coach Kakamaybe**** in pro tour is just part of advertising !! Nothing more !!!


                            • #44
                              Most top athletes in sports have coaches. I have never heard of top tennis player not having a coach or mentor. In fact, top tennis guys have whole big teams behind them.
                              I know snooker doesn't have physical component like many individual sports, but still, would it be wise for a professional snooker player to be completely on his own with no help whatsoever from anyone? In this era, 2015 onwards?
                              Personally, I view snooker as a sport, not leisure activity in pub. Therefore, it is logical to apply methods from very successful individual sports.


                              • #45
                                What do you expect from a snooker coach ??

                                I know some professionals and amateurs who know very little about the technical side of the game so i disagree that top players know all about technique. I also think that a lot of players including professionals do not know how or what to practice and also need help setting goals and targets. A lot of players even professionals just do line ups and play practice matches and that's it. A coach can help with that. A player also doesn't have to rely on a coach for mental support but a coach can show a player ways to cope with pressure in big matches. If coaches are not needed then why have most of the players in the most competitive sports like golf, tennis, athletics, table tennis, swimming, snooker got one?
                                coaching is not just for the pros

