Hello. I decided to play snooker 10 months ago. I am interested in snooker very long time, but only now I've got a chance to play (there were no club in my region). My dream is to become a professional player, so I took a charge of my destiny
. I know I'm a little old to do that (started in fifteen years old) and there are also a bit more talented players, but I'm doing everything I can. I train every day 5 or 6 hours and 12 hours during free day. Everything went as it should and after six months I was able to do half-centuries in training and 30 breaks in competition. But something changed one or two months ago. I am not able to focus on playing as well as ever and I feel like I'm going back for the whole months. I started to lose in tournaments with totally weak players that I'm sure I could beat them. Then I tried to play by other way (for example to be angry or to be totally phlegmatic), but actually nothing works, even it's worse than before. Nowadays, during summer holidays, I train 10-12 hours per day, but I don't feel I'm improving in my game and I can be happy when I make 20 break. Today it was the worst of it all and I have absolutely no idea what I should do.
Thank you for reading and I'll be grateful for every response.
I apologize for mistakes in text.

Thank you for reading and I'll be grateful for every response.
