I am a few weeks away from being a 75 year old wrinkly but, I vist this site pretty regularly and have learnt so much from it and fellow members for which, once again, many thanks.
Firstly my little blow of my trumpet. Yesterday I couldn't put a foot wrong. I had several breaks in the high teens and probably an equal amount in the mid-twenties but, the 'piece de whatsit' was a break of 43, with all of the colours (after each red) being potted from their spots. I couldn't believe how well I kept contol of the white. For me that is brilliant.
I also had a situation where we were down to the colours, I had potted the yellow, was on the green into the yellow pocket, the brown was right next to the pink on the yellow side cushion about halfway between the blue spot and the yellow pocket. The blue was just above the centre pocket on the green side and the black was on its spot. I thought that I was on to clear the colours if I could move the brown and pink balls. I duly potted the green, cannoned the brown nicely into a potting position, only to watch the pink gently roll across the table and drop into the middle pocket by the blue!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!
Well that's my bit of trumpet blowing. I had to tell someone because it was such a good day for me. Hope it didn't bore you.
Anyway, on to my question. I do have a problem when potting into the middle pockets from either the black end or the baulk end. It doesn't matter what colour the ball is that I am tring to pot, more often than not I manage to hit the far knuckle of the pocket. I don't have too much of a problem in potting into the middle pockets if the cue ball is either between the blue and pink spots or, between the blue spot and the baulk line. it only seems to happen if the cue ball is either further up the table than the pink spot, or further down behind the baulk line.
If anyone has any tips to help me overcome this I will be most grateful. Many thanks.
Firstly my little blow of my trumpet. Yesterday I couldn't put a foot wrong. I had several breaks in the high teens and probably an equal amount in the mid-twenties but, the 'piece de whatsit' was a break of 43, with all of the colours (after each red) being potted from their spots. I couldn't believe how well I kept contol of the white. For me that is brilliant.
I also had a situation where we were down to the colours, I had potted the yellow, was on the green into the yellow pocket, the brown was right next to the pink on the yellow side cushion about halfway between the blue spot and the yellow pocket. The blue was just above the centre pocket on the green side and the black was on its spot. I thought that I was on to clear the colours if I could move the brown and pink balls. I duly potted the green, cannoned the brown nicely into a potting position, only to watch the pink gently roll across the table and drop into the middle pocket by the blue!!!! Grrrrrrrr!!!
Well that's my bit of trumpet blowing. I had to tell someone because it was such a good day for me. Hope it didn't bore you.
Anyway, on to my question. I do have a problem when potting into the middle pockets from either the black end or the baulk end. It doesn't matter what colour the ball is that I am tring to pot, more often than not I manage to hit the far knuckle of the pocket. I don't have too much of a problem in potting into the middle pockets if the cue ball is either between the blue and pink spots or, between the blue spot and the baulk line. it only seems to happen if the cue ball is either further up the table than the pink spot, or further down behind the baulk line.
If anyone has any tips to help me overcome this I will be most grateful. Many thanks.