Currently playing with a cue and mini butt means the weight of the cue is all in front of the vertical at address, cue will feel heavy on the bridge and light in the hand. The tailor made cue should fit very well having to make no compromises in the stance apart from bending both legs, which is a must for someone of that height really, or the angle of the head will be tilted forward, looking through the eyebrows. Bringing the body down with both legs bent will enable the head to be more vertical without putting severe strain on the neck; your cue maker is quite right.
I am six two, broad shouldered with an albatross like wingspan and I use a 62 inch cue; I don't get my chin down on the cue due to not being able to see the shot with my head tilted forward (bad neck due to motorcycle accident) so I stand with my legs very wide apart (back leg outside the line of aim, about two inches outside the cue ball) in order to get down low, yet my chin is still about four inches off the cue. The length of my cue means that my cue arm is about an inch behind the vertical at address, I have about twelve inches of cue over my thumb with my bridge arm as straight as possible, so I can sight along the cue very well when down in my stance.
I have tried playing with both legs bent and in fact it worked very well, but I always find myself going back to what's natural for me.
Best of luck with your new cue, play with it, learn with it but don't blame it if you don't progress as fast as you want to. You've come to the game quite late but with a cue that fits your height you're on the right track. There's a bloke of six foot seven who plays in our league and uses a standard cue, he stands like a giraffe taking a drink, bridge arm well bent but still with only about six inches of cue over his thumb and his cue arm about four inches in front of the vertical meaning he plays from the shoulder rather than the elbow, makes a twenty break now and again when the balls are set for it, but with no cue power due to restricted movement, that's his limit; no way he will ever progress.
I am six two, broad shouldered with an albatross like wingspan and I use a 62 inch cue; I don't get my chin down on the cue due to not being able to see the shot with my head tilted forward (bad neck due to motorcycle accident) so I stand with my legs very wide apart (back leg outside the line of aim, about two inches outside the cue ball) in order to get down low, yet my chin is still about four inches off the cue. The length of my cue means that my cue arm is about an inch behind the vertical at address, I have about twelve inches of cue over my thumb with my bridge arm as straight as possible, so I can sight along the cue very well when down in my stance.
I have tried playing with both legs bent and in fact it worked very well, but I always find myself going back to what's natural for me.
Best of luck with your new cue, play with it, learn with it but don't blame it if you don't progress as fast as you want to. You've come to the game quite late but with a cue that fits your height you're on the right track. There's a bloke of six foot seven who plays in our league and uses a standard cue, he stands like a giraffe taking a drink, bridge arm well bent but still with only about six inches of cue over his thumb and his cue arm about four inches in front of the vertical meaning he plays from the shoulder rather than the elbow, makes a twenty break now and again when the balls are set for it, but with no cue power due to restricted movement, that's his limit; no way he will ever progress.