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Which cue I should use?

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  • Which cue I should use?

    Dear Friends,

    I am looking for a breakthrough in the game and have bought a new cue in last year. The new cue specifications are similar to my existing cue. However, I am still looking for the answer that which cue I should use in competition.

    Old cue: Easier to cue ball control and long potting. I have a better feeling on it as I used it for more than 10 years.

    New cue. Powerful, and more consistent for short and medium distance potting. I like to use this cue especially when potting black ball at in own spot.

    Can anyone gives me some directions please?

  • #2
    Pick one and get rid of the other one as soon as possible or else you will be switching between them. A player will get used to any decent cue as long as he uses it and you have been using the one for 10 years so I would stick to that one.
    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      strange thread !! The way u tell this story , I would'nt know it either if i was you , my friend !!
      I thought, you gonna through this kind of confusion stuff , only when u gonna get married !!!


      • #4
        "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

        I have tried to work with the new one, but still thinking of the old mate even it is not the best.

        I will follow Mr. Terry Davidson's advice and foucus on the old one.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by louisleung View Post
          "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."

          I have tried to work with the new one, but still thinking of the old mate even it is not the best.

          I will follow Mr. Terry Davidson's advice and foucus on the old one.
          wise decision !!!

