Originally Posted by Zhuge
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Thank you for very good post - I hear your frustration....
And you are not alone.
This product will NOT be appropriate for everyone, but is specifically targeted for players in your category (and a few other categories).
The issue with aiming systems is that they do not pot the ball for you.
In fact, aiming cannot be taught - it has to be learned.
Usually by trial and error.
However, this product (the Aim Frame) forces you to get perfectly on the line of aim so that the eyes begin to learn very quickly 'Angle Recognition'.
Once the eyes learn this, it is often like a light switch going off for players.
It is incredibly gratifying to see, and often takes just two or three shots for 'the light to go on'.
Once your eyes get to view the ball from the correct potting angle (like using a set of bicycle stabilisers), you will find the eyes will find it easier to settle on a way of viewing the ball.
The reason we look at both balls is simply to collect visual data to give the brain the best of chance of solving the mathematical problem of 'aiming'.
The more repetitions we have with viewing the ball from the correct viewpoint (and assuming the cueing is straight) the better we will get at noticing if the aim is wrong.
Most players who struggle with angle recognition are trying to pot the ball, instead of gathering the visual data and allowing the subconscious to settle on the correct line - much like those 3d posters that we have to look 'through' to allow the 3d image to 'appear'.