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Does Anyone Have Problems With Aiming, Sighting, & Potting?

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  • #91
    Originally Posted by Zhuge View Post
    Dear Nic, I've been using 2 different aiming system. One, imaging the center point on the cloth where the CB would hit to pot for shots less than 30°. For wider shots, I had to use contact point on object ball and imaging a vertical mirror line on it to see the line of aim (similar to SPAC system). The problem is, when I'm down on the shot, the whole image of potting is doubtful and my eyes are telling me that I'm under cutting most of the time even when I'm correctly aligned. So i would say I'm doing 95% of my aiming while standing behind the shot and had to fully depend on my shot approach to get things correct. As this affects my confidence greatly, it also affects my shot selection in deterring me from a good break even when opportunity a arise in tight games.
    Hi Zhuge
    Thank you for very good post - I hear your frustration....
    And you are not alone.
    This product will NOT be appropriate for everyone, but is specifically targeted for players in your category (and a few other categories).
    The issue with aiming systems is that they do not pot the ball for you.
    In fact, aiming cannot be taught - it has to be learned.
    Usually by trial and error.
    However, this product (the Aim Frame) forces you to get perfectly on the line of aim so that the eyes begin to learn very quickly 'Angle Recognition'.
    Once the eyes learn this, it is often like a light switch going off for players.
    It is incredibly gratifying to see, and often takes just two or three shots for 'the light to go on'.
    Once your eyes get to view the ball from the correct potting angle (like using a set of bicycle stabilisers), you will find the eyes will find it easier to settle on a way of viewing the ball.
    The reason we look at both balls is simply to collect visual data to give the brain the best of chance of solving the mathematical problem of 'aiming'.
    The more repetitions we have with viewing the ball from the correct viewpoint (and assuming the cueing is straight) the better we will get at noticing if the aim is wrong.
    Most players who struggle with angle recognition are trying to pot the ball, instead of gathering the visual data and allowing the subconscious to settle on the correct line - much like those 3d posters that we have to look 'through' to allow the 3d image to 'appear'.
    Improving Your Game, From Every Angle: The Snooker Gym


    • #92
      Originally Posted by tetricky View Post
      Yep, agree with all that. I had one last night. Was too low on the pink, and needed a lot of check side to get on the black. Rather than try to do it in one go, I went off two cushions, using less side, and both potted the ball and got position. I heard the sound of a penny dropping in my head.
      Classic reason for club players to miss a low pink on a clearance is to be ridiculously over ambitious and go for side just because they have a bee in their bonnet about getting perfect position.
      We should just accept that our position is rubbish.
      Then just roll the pink in to stay in the game and have a shot at the black, and roll in the high black to leave the cue ball on the baulk cushion for an element of safety.
      Improving Your Game, From Every Angle: The Snooker Gym


      • #93
        I am most certainly not Nic Barrow. I am a tight git though (Aberdonian) which is why I made sure to ask for the freebie, which I will review on here, and if it's no good, I will give it to someone as a Christmas present , thanks Nic


        • #94
          After tonight's performance at the club I'm gonna need more than the Aim Frame.
          WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
          Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


          • #95
            Does Anyone Have Problems With Aiming, Sighting, & Potting?

            think I need a zimmer frame


            • #96
              Originally Posted by golferson123 View Post
              think I need a zimmer frame
              might be attachable


              • #97
                whats this Aim Frame look like , has anyone seen one yet!

                its not on Nic's site yet


                • #98
                  He's building up the suspense - a marketing strategy - bit like when they bring out films like Jurassic Park and Star Wars, throw a few crumbs and trailers out get as much interest as he can - get idiots like me n you to do his talking for him.

                  At a guess all it will be is a clear plastic ball thing that replicates the ghost ball in a plant position or something similar. The DvD's are where the real worth of the product is for the curious/clueless ones but good luck to him as I suppose 20 pound or so is a snip for the two extra blacks he promises and at least he spikes a bit of interest in the game for people taking up the sport or those dedicated to improving which is a good thing is it not?

                  Surprised he turned down my offer of a review/comparison with the sight right - he must either not be very confident in it, confident I will buy it anyway or just tight. I did review his phone ap thing which is good and did slate his computer thing for developing the optimal cue action which I think is a absolute waste of time so as for me being bias I don't think people see me as one of these people who just blow smoke up his arse.

                  One day though hopefully he will hit on something big - like the 'virtual reality glasses/contact lense' aim frame

                  By then no doubt we will all be using the zimmer though
                  Last edited by Byrom; 17 November 2015, 01:29 PM.


                  • #99
                    Originally Posted by Byrom View Post
                    He's building up the suspense - a marketing strategy - bit like when they bring out films like Jurassic Park and Star Wars, throw a few crumbs and trailers out get as much interest as he can - get idiots like me n you to do his talking for him.

                    At a guess all it will be is a clear plastic ball thing that replicates the ghost ball in a plant position or something similar. The DvD's are where the real worth of the product is for the curious/clueless ones but good luck to him as I suppose 20 pound or so is a snip for the two extra blacks he promises and at least he spikes a bit of interest in the game for people taking up the sport or those dedicated to improving which is a good thing is it not?

                    Surprised he turned down my offer of a review/comparison with the sight right - he must either not be very confident in it, confident I will buy it anyway or just tight. I did review his phone ap thing which is good and did slate his computer thing for developing the optimal cue action which I think is a absolute waste of time so as for me being bias I don't think people see me as one of these people who just blow smoke up his arse.

                    One day though hopefully he will hit on something big - like the 'virtual reality glasses/contact lense' aim frame

                    By then no doubt we will all be using the zimmer though
                    Nic is beginning to sound like stan shuffett, which is why i asked him what he thought of CTE. No doubt aim frame will be sweeping the world, too. Lol.


                    • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                      Nic is beginning to sound like stan shuffett, which is why i asked him what he thought of CTE. No doubt aim frame will be sweeping the world, too. Lol.
                      LOL great post.
                      No smoke needed.
                      I welcome as many direct comparisons as possible.
                      BUT what will people say if I give a copy to someone to compare with something they have purchased.
                      Will they see it as being biased?
                      What do other people think?
                      Maybe we could make a page where people submit reviews of both - and then offer a random prize (picked out by Ferret to assure impartiality) for any one of the posts.
                      What do you think....
                      Improving Your Game, From Every Angle: The Snooker Gym


                      • Nic , whats this Aim Frame look like , have you any video trailers/previews to see it in action?


                        • Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                          Nic , whats this Aim Frame look like , have you any video trailers/previews to see it in action?
                          Watch this space!....
                          Improving Your Game, From Every Angle: The Snooker Gym


                          • Originally Posted by Nic Barrow View Post
                            Watch this space!....

                            Taking you a while there ni c - is Peter Ebdon helping you market it?


                            • Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                              nic , whats this aim frame look like , have you any video trailers/previews to see it in action?


                              • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                                It has taken 4 years of agony so far!
                                Almost there!
                                Improving Your Game, From Every Angle: The Snooker Gym

