Cheers J6, in your video in one bit it showed the cue getting trapped after the full follow through, with having a ten mill tip and a thicker taper this happens to me a lot, it's not that I can't cue through the 12 mm hole ok , there just isn't enough room for the rest of my cue, if that makes sense.
With my cue action it's a mental thing, it's getting that connection between its timing not effort on shots with pace, my brain just isn't at that level yet, I get a few days or a couple of weeks at it but then I fall back and have to start all over again. I will try treating my cue lightly all the time, thanks.
When I think about it, it's probably why I'm good at set routines but not at the same level in games, in set routines,line up, T , etc it's all just nice paced shots as a rule.
With my cue action it's a mental thing, it's getting that connection between its timing not effort on shots with pace, my brain just isn't at that level yet, I get a few days or a couple of weeks at it but then I fall back and have to start all over again. I will try treating my cue lightly all the time, thanks.
When I think about it, it's probably why I'm good at set routines but not at the same level in games, in set routines,line up, T , etc it's all just nice paced shots as a rule.