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Left or Right Hand?

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  • Left or Right Hand?

    Got a new kid to coach. He used his left hand to draw as a nipper before learning to write with his right hand. He's at an early stage with his game and he picked the cue up with his R hand. But I'm thinking to myself, all the greats play opposite hand to dominant eye; Ronnie, Judd, Robbo, Smurf, etc. This kid is R eye dominant. So is it in his interests to learn to play with his L hand and enjoy the superior stance and alignment these pros enjoy?

  • #2
    Originally Posted by barrywhite View Post
    Got a new kid to coach. He used his left hand to draw as a nipper before learning to write with his right hand. He's at an early stage with his game and he picked the cue up with his R hand. But I'm thinking to myself, all the greats play opposite hand to dominant eye; Ronnie, Judd, Robbo, Smurf, etc. This kid is R eye dominant. So is it in his interests to learn to play with his L hand and enjoy the superior stance and alignment these pros enjoy?
    Plenty on here about this subject bazza, use the search function and it will give you hundreds of posts to check out.


    • #3
      My advice would be to let him do what feels natural to him, if he's not sure for some shots, then he will choose the best option from there. But on the whole, he will have a preferred way to play.

      After spending months writing left handed( right hand in a pot for 3 months), I felt I became left handed for certain things, and playing pool/snooker felt almost as natural getting into the shot left handed as it was right handed. I'd be lying to say it doesnt take more practice to understand the strike and follow through though! But I feel like I get twice the reaction on the cueball when I play left handed than when I do right.

