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Potting With Side

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
    How is asking about your highest break a stupid question ?????????????????????????????????????????????/
    Because it in no way pertains to the question at hand or premise of the thread. Linking high break with knowledge of side spin is bizarre to say the least.

    You're assuming i have a low high break because i understand the physics of the game. How the hell does that work?


    • #62
      Originally Posted by golferson123 View Post
      in a vain attempt to pour oil on troubled waters can i just say that i have both read many of dr dave's outputs and considered them fairly relevant to american pool BUT they don't convert too well to snooker, now rewind a few years to the 80s when a considerable amount of canadians relocated to england to play snooker i was fortunate to not only play with these players but to be friends with them, they not only brought their equipment with them they also brought their knowledge with them. not just pool but snooker too. it became obvious that the two did not mix re ball reactions or whatever. i don't need to name who these players were but to suffice to say dr dave's input to their success was negligible, the amount of throw on little tables cannot replicate the effect on longer distances on snooker tables, to quote dr dave back hand english or front hand english can be used on say a black of the dot but fails on any other longish shots but that is what snooker is ie longer, but snooker players know that so stop being so patronising we are not as so thick as you think
      Some of you are.

      Tis true throw is lessened on a snooker table, and it is better to stick to the centre axis . But any table, any balls, any cloth, any cue will produce a reaction when side spin is involved - ye cannae change the laws of physics, Jim.


      • #63
        Originally Posted by Tommykiid View Post
        Thats true but i think its hilarious how a lil question about side can spark all this off haha
        I'm deadly serious here - do not mention aiming. At least the snooker world is blissfully unaware of the aiming wars in pool, which last decades and cost many lives.


        • #64
          Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
          I'm deadly serious here - do not mention aiming. At least the snooker world is blissfully unaware of the aiming wars in pool, which last decades and cost many lives.
          Jesus, you need several degrees to understand the aiming nonsense in pool, no wonder it needs a physics professor no one else can understand it
          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


          • #65
            Originally Posted by throtts View Post
            I do use side, but its not blatant 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock striking.

            Example, 1/2 ball on the green to pot it in its green pocket, left towards its pocket opening. I play them with subtle right hand side which twangs the CB off the side cush back down for the reds or even to split them, if needed. Remember, its subtle though.
            Although it may sound paradoxical, many players actually find certain shots easier when a measure of (running) sidespin is applied to the cueball. Very thin cuts at short distance readily come to mind but equally valid examples are legion, including the instance described by the gentleman above. The reason for this apparent anomaly is due to the negation of what has become known as contact induced throw, thus allowing the cueist to contact the object ball at a point opposite the pocket without fear of the colour missing on the thick side.


            • #66
              Originally Posted by toastandmarmite View Post
              Although it may sound paradoxical, many players actually find certain shots easier when a measure of (running) sidespin is applied to the cueball. Very thin cuts at short distance readily come to mind but equally valid examples are legion, including the instance described by the gentleman above. The reason for this apparent anomaly is due to the negation of what has become known as contact induced throw, thus allowing the cueist to contact the object ball at a point opposite the pocket without fear of the colour missing on the thick side.
              It's called helping side in snooker T&M has been known about long before snooker became popular, the old billiard players used it all the time and it just followed them into snooker.
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • #67
                An acquaintance of mine (Stan Laurel's grandson weirdly enough) is an avid snooker fan, the most devoted enthusiast I have ever known. He discovered 'helping side' one day during his practice sessions and felt it transformed his game to the Nth degree, even going as far as to invent a little gizmo to highlight the effect!

                He's a lovely chap, if a little eccentric. I hope he never discovers this forum to be honest, the response he would undoubtededly receive to some of his theories would be devastating.


                • #68
                  Stan Laurel, comes from the same county as me, he was born in Ulverston ,Cumbria.
                  I doubt his grandson discovered helping side, if he was an avid snooker fan, as it was brought to snooker from billiards and was known for a long time before snooker was popular. Although he may have been the first to bring it to the wider audience across the pond, I don't know.
                  This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                  • #69
                    I didn't mean he was the first man to discover it, sir!


                    • #70
                      And he lives in Liverpool.


                      • #71
                        Ah! No prob, I just misunderstood you.
                        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                        • #72
                          I'm an Englishman, too, by the way, although I do spend a lot of time in America. I love all cue sports dearly and enjoy competing in as many disciplines as possible.


                          • #73
                            Originally Posted by focus View Post
                            I'm a Newbie, this thread is amazing but for all the wrong reasons. The undercurrent is like some nasty law case in court with pub insults thrown in. Doesn't look good at all. Didn't realise I'd entered a warzone. LOL
                            Welcome to the world of The Snooker Forum haha


                            • #74
                              Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                              Jesus, you need several degrees to understand the aiming nonsense in pool, no wonder it needs a physics professor no one else can understand it
                              He aint a physics professer! He lectures in m&e


                              • #75
                                Originally Posted by golferson123 View Post
                                He aint a physics professer! He lectures in m&e
                                Just curious golfie, but what's your professorship in?

