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Potting With Side

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  • Yeah I was going to mention cues and tips also, can make a big difference.
    I suppose reading some basic info will help anyone in the learning process but ultimately it comes down to time on the baize, experiment, repeat etc.
    It's a buzz when you get it right


    • Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
      If you can afford to buy this book. You can find sum answers you're looking for ( i believe vmax mentioned this sumwhere on this forum few yrs ago ).
      Also read post No 8.
      There are some coaches who believe you gonna have to wait with using side until you re a 50 breaker. likes Terry D. Not every coach would agree with him.
      Different opinions about this.
      imo, is sumthing u gonna have to learn it by a lot of practice .

      Chris Henry said , 95 percent of players who think they can hit the center of CB every time consistently , are wrong.
      And I do agree with him. many players using side without been aware of it. so why not learn to use it on a decent way ?

      Centre ball striking is very difficult, which is why it's very important. Master that and what follows ain't gonna matter.


      • ted mentioned the fastest max, apart from the subconsious i saw side used 5 obvious times, and in the 146 2-3 times.
        alll in all you do need it and know when to ues it, but if you use it an find yourself close to the cushion a lot of the time then your probably using too much. i find the mastery to be center ball

        Last edited by j6uk; 27 February 2016, 11:45 AM.


        • Go to j6's colours thread, where he doesn't want the cue ball is where you need to use side, a match frame isn't a demo, if you're out of position and side will take you to the next ball then it's best you learn how the balls behave when side is applied.

          Ding played a basic enough shot with check side to stay on the black in his maxi in the welsh, you can be sure he aimed that one to miss the pocket about two inches before the near jaw to allow for the cue balls deflection to the left, away from the right hand side he applied to the cue ball, the spin with the nap would have taken the cue ball back to the right a shade.

          Once again trial and error allows Ding to know his own cue, a new one which he's still getting used to BTW, hence his poor results this season I guess, but if that shot was played with the cue ball spinning against the nap, ie: on the yellow into it's own pocket, then the shot wouldn't be aimed so wide of the pocket as the cue ball wouldn't come back onto the line of aim as much, trial and error again.

          Don't be afraid of side, it's your friend not your enemy, all you need to learn is the offset aiming point for your cue's deflection of the cue ball, against, with and across the nap. Play the shot, miss, adjust and learn.


          • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
            Go to j6's colours thread, where he doesn't want the cue ball is where you need to use side sorry man but thats not true
            , a match frame isn't a demo, if you're out of position and side will take you to the next ball then it's best you learn how the balls behave when side is applied.

            Ding played a basic enough shot with check side to stay on the black in his maxi in the welsh, you can be sure he aimed that one to miss the pocket about two inches before the near jaw to allow for the cue balls deflection to the left, away from the right hand side he applied to the cue ball, the spin with the nap would have taken the cue ball back to the right a shade.

            Once again trial and error allows Ding to know his own cue, a new one which he's still getting used to BTW, hence his poor results this season I guess, but if that shot was played with the cue ball spinning against the nap, ie: on the yellow into it's own pocket, then the shot wouldn't be aimed so wide of the pocket as the cue ball wouldn't come back onto the line of aim as much, trial and error again.

            Don't be afraid of side, it's your friend not your enemy, all you need to learn is the offset aiming point for your cue's deflection of the cue ball, against, with and across the nap. Play the shot, miss, adjust and learn.
            few letters big word

            Last edited by j6uk; 27 February 2016, 07:29 PM.


            • Originally Posted by mikeyd100 View Post
              Yeah I was going to mention cues and tips also, can make a big difference.
              I suppose reading some basic info will help anyone in the learning process but ultimately it comes down to time on the baize, experiment, repeat etc.
              It's a buzz when you get it right
              Absolutely. Anyone who has used a GBL compared to an elk on the same cue knows how important the tip is, with the ferrule being just as important (hence the ferrule redesign by Wooldridge). A pro granite tip throws like an east german shot putter, an elk much less so. Different tips have different mass and density and hardness and thus impart a different force onto the cue ball, especially when spin is employed. We've all found this out. Kamui state that their tips throw less, they even supply diagrams to explain it.
              Last edited by focus; 27 February 2016, 11:22 PM.


              • Very important part of the cue is that little leather thing lol.
                BTW, have you used Kamui tips, I might be interested in trying a soft version one day.


                • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                  for the breakoff, snookers and safety exchanges side is used all the time. brek building in the reds, not so much.
                  less is more
                  I must say, J6, you were right. Having analysed how much I use side now, I'd say it's about 20% of the time. Still, 1 in 5 shots means you need to be comfortable using side, so that when those shots crop up, you're very confident of making the pot. But yeah, it's definitely not as much as I thought.
                  WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                  Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                  • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                    sorry man but that's not true
                    Yellow to green part two,
                    that 1/2 ball yellow, I'd roll it in with left hand side all day and rarely miss it. You're playing it centre ball, striking low with drag and leaving yourself open to deceleration, a normal slow roll in with left hand side, tip addressed at 9 o'clock, aim for the near jaw, cue ball will open up off the side cushion and pick up a bit of pace to leave an easier green, fairly basic shot using side.

                    There are other instances where I would use side, you may not choose to use it but many do. It's down to choice in the end, what game you play, what you're comfortable with, so that doesn't mean it's not true.


                    • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                      Yellow to green part two,
                      that 1/2 ball yellow, I'd roll it in with left hand side all day and rarely miss it. You're playing it centre ball, striking low with drag and leaving yourself open to deceleration, a normal slow roll in with left hand side, tip addressed at 9 o'clock, aim for the near jaw, cue ball will open up off the side cushion and pick up a bit of pace to leave an easier green, fairly basic shot using side.

                      There are other instances where I would use side, you may not choose to use it but many do. It's down to choice in the end, what game you play, what you're comfortable with, so that doesn't mean it's not true.
                      If you're worried about potting the yellow centre ball, what you gonna do on a long pot? Do you have problems with your long game? No offence meant.


                      • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                        Go to j6's colours thread, where he doesn't want the cue ball is where you need to use side, a match frame isn't a demo, if you're out of position and side will take you to the next ball then it's best you learn how the balls behave when side is applied.

                        Ding played a basic enough shot with check side to stay on the black in his maxi in the welsh, you can be sure he aimed that one to miss the pocket about two inches before the near jaw to allow for the cue balls deflection to the left, away from the right hand side he applied to the cue ball, the spin with the nap would have taken the cue ball back to the right a shade.

                        Once again trial and error allows Ding to know his own cue, a new one which he's still getting used to BTW, hence his poor results this season I guess, but if that shot was played with the cue ball spinning against the nap, ie: on the yellow into it's own pocket, then the shot wouldn't be aimed so wide of the pocket as the cue ball wouldn't come back onto the line of aim as much, trial and error again.

                        Don't be afraid of side, it's your friend not your enemy, all you need to learn is the offset aiming point for your cue's deflection of the cue ball, against, with and across the nap. Play the shot, miss, adjust and learn.
                        Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                        Yellow to green part two,
                        that 1/2 ball yellow, I'd roll it in with left hand side all day and rarely miss it. You're playing it centre ball, striking low with drag and leaving yourself open to deceleration, a normal slow roll in with left hand side, tip addressed at 9 o'clock, aim for the near jaw, cue ball will open up off the side cushion and pick up a bit of pace to leave an easier green, fairly basic shot using side.

                        There are other instances where I would use side, you may not choose to use it but many do. It's down to choice in the end, what game you play, what you're comfortable with, so that doesn't mean it's not true.
                        it does mean its not ture when you say where i don't want the cb to be i need side.. but i agree experimenting with side is a must

                        im okay with side its just that it makes the shot bigger, im happy to tackle that easy yellow with you and we'll see what shows up.
                        if we do a little video each, you playing your yellow with left hand side and me doing my deceleration shot and we can compare results. what do you say?


                        • I'll sum it up for everyone:

                          Practise using side just like you practice anything else. Don't play side when you don't need it, just as you wouldn't play a screw shot when you don't need to.

                          WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                          Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                          • Originally Posted by tedisbill View Post
                            I'll sum it up for everyone:

                            Practise using side just like you practice anything else. Don't play side when you don't need it, just as you wouldn't play a screw shot when you don't need to.

                            That sounds like a plan


                            • What on earth happened to this thread?! Just wanted to chuck my opinion in there;

                              If I think to my best breaks they've come when very little side has been used. In fact I tend to use side when I've ran out of position, for example being the wrong side of the blue and having to go in and out of baulk, or on the black having to swing the cue ball off two cushions when landing just off straight. I'll use side when busting the pack open from yellow or green but how often do you have to do that in frames? Most commonly you break the pack open from the blue or black (yes when playing the black I do put side on but it's not a complete necessity, especially for somebody still learning the basics).

                              Back to the original post;
                              In terms of playing with side, get down and address the cue ball as though you want to play with side, don't readjust when already down on the shot ready for plain ball striking.

                              I'm no expert, just a handy player but my advice would be to practice playing with side by setting up real match situations. Practice playing in and out of baulk from the blue ball, practice splitting the reds open from potting the yellow and green. I don't think you'll do yourself any harm learning side so early in your development but don't do too much work on it too early.
                              "just tap it in":snooker:


                              • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                                it does mean its not ture when you say where i don't want the cb to be i need side.. but i agree experimenting with side is a must

                                im okay with side its just that it makes the shot bigger, im happy to tackle that easy yellow with you and we'll see what shows up.
                                if we do a little video each, you playing your yellow with left hand side and me doing my deceleration shot and we can compare results. what do you say?
                                'where he doesn't want the cue ball is where you need to use side'.

                                I've highlighted you to make it easier to understand, I didn't say you personally now did I, he and you are two different people. Now if I'd posted "where he doesn't want the cue is where he needs to use side then you have an argument, otherwise you don't OK.

                                I could have say may need to use side, but I didn't as in that situation I definitely would without having to think about it; it's just a shot that I always play, and it's not difficult, it doesn't make the shot bigger, if you play it often you're comfortable with it, and I am.

                                And you know I don't have a video camera or a smart phone, so stop attempting to discredit what I say just because you can post videos and I can't, and also don't want to as I value my anonymity.
                                Why don't you try my shot and post the video results as part of your colours thread, show the forum that there's more than one way of playing.
                                And tell them where you're aiming just so that they know, that is the point of this thread is it not ? not you and I cock waving at each other.

