There are many good posts on this string. First of all, pottr, ace man, itsnoteasy and others have it right and any player who thinks he is having trouble aiming should read and take in this advice.
If you have the slightest bit of side generated by your cue delivery it will impact the accuracy. The easiest way I've found to see this (because I do it myself STILL and I've been playing for 40yrs or so) is this. Play long blues at just above medium pace and stop the cueball (play a 'stop shot') and mentally record which side of the pocket you hit when you miss. Since I've been trying to get my game back in shape I've been doing 10 of these per day and my best is 10 in 13 attempts and yesterday it was 10 in 15 attempts HOWEVER when I miss I usually miss on the left side of the pocket which means I'm putting UNINTENTIONAL left-hand side when I strike the cueball.
The best method for seeing these flaws and understanding them with a view to correcting them is to video your self potting long blues with the camera showing from the top of your elbow down to just in front of the cueball. Repeat at least 10 times and watch the cue over the leather of the yellow pocket (green for left-handers) and I guarantee that unless you have an absolutely pure stroke (maybe like pottr?) your cue will 'wander'.
It's very important to watch both during the backswing and delivery since if EITHER is a bit crooked the delivery will be messed up. Go back to the practgice table and video yourself and analyse the video in slow motion on a computer screen not on the camera or phone screen and watch for head movement or upper body movement along with when during the delivery you drop your elbow and a few other things which result in poor delivery. Remember I said this to you before and it comes from Nic Barrow '90% of faults in the delivery originate in the backswing'.
If you have the slightest bit of side generated by your cue delivery it will impact the accuracy. The easiest way I've found to see this (because I do it myself STILL and I've been playing for 40yrs or so) is this. Play long blues at just above medium pace and stop the cueball (play a 'stop shot') and mentally record which side of the pocket you hit when you miss. Since I've been trying to get my game back in shape I've been doing 10 of these per day and my best is 10 in 13 attempts and yesterday it was 10 in 15 attempts HOWEVER when I miss I usually miss on the left side of the pocket which means I'm putting UNINTENTIONAL left-hand side when I strike the cueball.
The best method for seeing these flaws and understanding them with a view to correcting them is to video your self potting long blues with the camera showing from the top of your elbow down to just in front of the cueball. Repeat at least 10 times and watch the cue over the leather of the yellow pocket (green for left-handers) and I guarantee that unless you have an absolutely pure stroke (maybe like pottr?) your cue will 'wander'.
It's very important to watch both during the backswing and delivery since if EITHER is a bit crooked the delivery will be messed up. Go back to the practgice table and video yourself and analyse the video in slow motion on a computer screen not on the camera or phone screen and watch for head movement or upper body movement along with when during the delivery you drop your elbow and a few other things which result in poor delivery. Remember I said this to you before and it comes from Nic Barrow '90% of faults in the delivery originate in the backswing'.