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Sidespin on a snooker table both with and against the nap

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  • Originally Posted by pottr View Post
    Gotta love you, Terry...

    You say you're gonna live with that... Very next post, CHOMP!
    Isn't that what a forum should be about anyway?
    People agree & disagree all the time.
    Most of the time this forum is dead as a dodo, pretty much like the game itself in the U.K.


    • Originally Posted by vmax View Post
      OK so it pushed off to the left, does it keep going on that line then ?
      If so you should be able to make the same contact point with a plain ball strike should you not ?
      Even though it ain't worth it, because according to you the spin throws the red into the pocket, just try to make that same contact point plain ball as you do with right hand side, and if you can manage that then do the same with left hand side.

      Put up a video, camera phone right behind the pocket, dead straight shot with cue ball and OB in line with the centre of the pocket and intervening ball about 3-5mm in the way, play all three shots from exactly the same positions to show us your proof.
      Now I've asked you this several times now and you haven't bothered, what are you, chicken ?
      Vmax, what you're trying to do here, indicating that amount of deflection/swerve could be diff when you play the shot against the nap of the cloth.
      As already mentioned, in cue sport the result is the same. but the outcome could be different in a slight degree ,due to the diff cloch, nap , heavier balls, or..........
      But this does'nt mean in anyway, that psyh is not there and not happening.
      Just bcuz you get abit more deflection when you play the shot against the nap, does'nt mean that the effect of the spin can'nt and does'nt change the OBs path, lol.
      Your point as well as many points mentioned by Terry, is completely irrelevant.
      I played 20 years ago in UK and You gonna have to put hours in practice, otherwise you can never learn play this game.
      well that's very nice . Okey, it's true.
      But what has this to do with this topic?
      absolutely nothing.

      feel free to carry on,
      but sometimes you gonna have to respect each other's disagreement and leave it at that point.


      • Originally Posted by pottr View Post
        Gotta love you, Terry...

        You say you're gonna live with that... Very next post, CHOMP!
        I see Mr. B.S. is still on the bending OB which was acknowledged as a typo but then there's a lot to read on this string I guess and only so much practice time.
        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • Originally Posted by pottr View Post
          A lot of pros don't know their arse from their elbow when it comes to analysing technique

          That tells you that practice and dedication is far more important than knowing the theory
          Great, delighted for them. Now, perhaps you can tell me the value in perpetuating myths and spreading misinformation? Or the harm caused by knowing the truth?


          • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
            I see Mr. B.S. is still on the bending OB which was acknowledged as a typo but then there's a lot to read on this string I guess and only so much practice time.

            A typo!

            Strange, because i remember you spending rather a lot of time on that typo, over quite a few different posts, tying yourself up in knots about it.

            A typo indeed!


            • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
              Ain't my was put up by 'itrsnoteasy' I think. I can't explain the throw on whichever red you're referring to but the real answer is I don't care as long as I can make an object ball around an intervening ball I'm happy, I don't care what physics is involved. It's the same as sunshine, I really like it but I don't care how it's generated as long as it stays there.

              one deckchair umbrella and pinacolada on deck for you captain. it took you over ten 10,000 words but you got there in the end.


              • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                one deckchair umbrella and pinacolada on deck for you captain. it took you over ten 10,000 words but you got there in the end.
                As Travis says it was nice to have a lively debate. Now I have 2 reasons to get up in the morning. The first is Trump and whatever he's done overnight and the second if this string and what Mr. B.S. is getting up to,
                Terry Davidson
                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                • Pure winner you are, Tel.. They didn't convert and crack yu ...

                  JP Majestic
                  9.5mm Elk


                  • Great, delighted for them. Now, perhaps you can tell me the value in perpetuating myths and spreading misinformation? Or the harm caused by knowing the truth?
                    Big Shot, why do you bother? I mean seriously? It's clear to me that you're clued up as person so why do you persist in throwing up straw man after straw man to keep the argument burning.

                    You strike me as the sort of guy who's been pulled to one side a few times on a night out and threatened with a short sharp visit from the Right Hook Fairy. Every post you make drags the tenor of the forum down... I can't take you seriously anymore which is disappointing because you probably do have productive insights you could share.

                    Anyway, to answer your two part question:
                    1) When my children were small they found it fun to hear about Santa, The Tooth Fairy and Jesus... All made up but not malicious lies.
                    2) When my missus tells me I'm putting on weight, the next day she has a black eye to explain to the neighbours... You see, the truth hurts.



                    • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                      As Travis says it was nice to have a lively debate. Now I have 2 reasons to get up in the morning. The first is Trump and whatever he's done overnight and the second if this string and what Mr. B.S. is getting up to,

                      so two good reasons to take the boxes off the table and put into practice some knew moves then.


                      • Originally Posted by throtts View Post
                        Pure winner you are, Tel.. They didn't convert and crack yu ...

                        He did learn that BOB is not the holy grail though lol


                        • Originally Posted by pottr View Post
                          Big Shot, why do you bother? I mean seriously? It's clear to me that you're clued up as person so why do you persist in throwing up straw man after straw man to keep the argument burning.

                          You strike me as the sort of guy who's been pulled to one side a few times on a night out and threatened with a short sharp visit from the Right Hook Fairy. Every post you make drags the tenor of the forum down... I can't take you seriously anymore which is disappointing because you probably do have productive insights you could share.

                          Anyway, to answer your two part question:
                          1) When my children were small they found it fun to hear about Santa, The Tooth Fairy and Jesus... All made up but not malicious lies.
                          2) When my missus tells me I'm putting on weight, the next day she has a black eye to explain to the neighbours... You see, the truth hurts.

                          Wow I hope you're joking!


                          • Originally Posted by travisbickle View Post
                            Wow I hope you're joking!
                            He ain't married.
                            Terry Davidson
                            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                            • Originally Posted by travisbickle View Post
                              He did learn that BOB is not the holy grail though lol
                              I still think for 99.99999% of snooker shots that BOB is the contact point. It might change if you get a kick or mini-kick as Dr. Dave states in his that I can believe BUT I DON'T CARE.
                              Terry Davidson
                              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                              • If you can't see the humour in the post, Mr Taxi Driver then book an appointment with your physician and get your funny bones checked.

