I just watched j6's 'Turn it in video' and this is a historic moment in my TSF history coz I think it's the first time I have disagreed with something he's saying.
Jason, you pot four balls.
1) the thin cut... you don't affect the OB at all... you just pot it with side.
I play that shot like that too... not to turn the pot in, just because I find it easier to pot shots like that with running side.
2) The holding for low on the black... Again, you're not affecting the OB, you're spinning the white in the opposite direction to the natural angle... The white grips the cloth and holds accordingly.
3) The low one below the black... The ball pots and you drag it in for position... There's no change to the path of the OB... no turning it in at all... Just dragging the white to kill the pace.
4) the one to stay high on the black... exactly the same as shot 2.
Now I am in the corner where I believe the shot exists... The only way you can prove it is to set up a shot where THE OB doesn't pot... even if it's only slightly... Saying the cueball can't get to the potting angle doesn't mean a thing because there is always the possibility of the last microsecond swerve.
If the OB is set up so that it only just doesn't pot... then you can use side IMO to turn it over... Those shots played in that video don't show what you're explaining for me... It's advanced positional play, but analytically it's the white ball that's being manipulated in those 4 shots, not the object ball.
Probably why I see this SIT shot as extremely rare and you find it common... The shots you play in that video are what I would consider common... but by no means are they examples of SIT
Could you do that please? Set it up like that with the tripod and put the camera in the pocket?
I'll try to put my limp to oneside and whip the ipad out myself if you like? x
Jason, you pot four balls.
1) the thin cut... you don't affect the OB at all... you just pot it with side.
I play that shot like that too... not to turn the pot in, just because I find it easier to pot shots like that with running side.
2) The holding for low on the black... Again, you're not affecting the OB, you're spinning the white in the opposite direction to the natural angle... The white grips the cloth and holds accordingly.
3) The low one below the black... The ball pots and you drag it in for position... There's no change to the path of the OB... no turning it in at all... Just dragging the white to kill the pace.
4) the one to stay high on the black... exactly the same as shot 2.
Now I am in the corner where I believe the shot exists... The only way you can prove it is to set up a shot where THE OB doesn't pot... even if it's only slightly... Saying the cueball can't get to the potting angle doesn't mean a thing because there is always the possibility of the last microsecond swerve.
If the OB is set up so that it only just doesn't pot... then you can use side IMO to turn it over... Those shots played in that video don't show what you're explaining for me... It's advanced positional play, but analytically it's the white ball that's being manipulated in those 4 shots, not the object ball.
Probably why I see this SIT shot as extremely rare and you find it common... The shots you play in that video are what I would consider common... but by no means are they examples of SIT
Could you do that please? Set it up like that with the tripod and put the camera in the pocket?
I'll try to put my limp to oneside and whip the ipad out myself if you like? x