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Sidespin on a snooker table both with and against the nap

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  • well done J6, this is what I have been waiting for on a snooker table
    no chance of swerving to BOB, can you do it from the other side of the table (yellow side)?
    see if the nap has any negative or positive affect?
    Up the TSF! :snooker:


    • Originally Posted by guernseygooner View Post
      Good stuff Jason
      Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
      well done J6, this is what I have been waiting for on a snooker table
      no chance of swerving to BOB, can you do it from the other side of the table (yellow side)?
      see if the nap has any negative or positive affect?
      thanks lads,.. dean yeah i could do the other side, but from experience its gonna be pretty much same results, not noticed much difference ether way over the years. as long as you time the white and get that crisp contact the balls should do what you want them to do.


      • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
        thanks lads,.. dean yeah i could do the other side, but from experience its gonna be pretty much same results, not noticed much difference ether way over the years. as long as you time the white and get that crisp contact the balls do what you want them to do.
        thanks for that
        playing a friend last Tuesday, I had nearly exactly the same (from the other side) situation; I tried this but I think I used the wrong side
        Up the TSF! :snooker:


        • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
          thanks lads,.. dean yeah i could do the other side, but from experience its gonna be pretty much same results, not noticed much difference ether way over the years. as long as you time the white and get that crisp contact the balls should do what you want them to do.
          Shot Jason.
          All simple stuff once you know what happens to object balls when you use side.
          Some will say it's the devils work!
          Last edited by travisbickle; 15 September 2017, 06:10 PM.


          • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
            turn it in pt2

            here in this vid i manage to pot a black off its spot thats not possible, as the potting angle is not there. but with the help of rrh-side i was able to straighten it up.
            the next shot is the same from a lower angle.

            so your very own pro conditions then. you must of needed plenty of time too on the crap tables so as to prepare for the 80s comp conditions.
            interesting stuff tel..
            Not quite pro conditions as the table was used by regular members in the evening and I had to iron it myself and used the regular club balls but it was near enough I guess. Interesting video you posted but (I hate to say as it will start arguments) I still think the CB is curving into a point where the ball can be potted to the far jaw, which is what you did. A couple of problems though...even a player with your abilities messed it up a couple of times and the later one where you hit the red proves to me the CB is curving into the black.

            Well done though as that is a difficult shot which has to be precise and had to be hit perfect is order to pot it. Dare I say it, I don't think SIT or any kind of OB throw was involved and I watched it at .25speed but didn't analyse it as I feel I'm happy with what I have and the physics don't matter except to pee off Travis.
            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


            • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
              Not quite pro conditions as the table was used by regular members in the evening and I had to iron it myself and used the regular club balls but it was near enough I guess. Interesting video you posted but (I hate to say as it will start arguments) I still think the CB is curving into a point where the ball can be potted to the far jaw, which is what you did. A couple of problems though...even a player with your abilities messed it up a couple of times and the later one where you hit the red proves to me the CB is curving into the black.

              Well done though as that is a difficult shot which has to be precise and had to be hit perfect is order to pot it. Dare I say it, I don't think SIT or any kind of OB throw was involved and I watched it at .25speed but didn't analyse it as I feel I'm happy with what I have and the physics don't matter except to pee off Travis.
              Tel talking to me about physics and he uses check side to hold for position lol
              You couldn't make it up!


              • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                Probably a good idea to banish the words spin transfer from the snooker lexicon (unless we are talking about using it for safety shots or doubles). Spin transfer is useful to widen or shorten the angle of the OB after striking a cushion. I've linked this one again.


                We are talking about throw here, in this case SIT. If everyone could stick to that it would make things much easier.

                How about the physics? Was there anything in the equations you disagreed with?
                Better tell Travis then because spin transfer is the only way SIT works, meaning the balls have to 'cling' together long enough for a different contact point to be accelerated by the CB. Unless there's some other force at work. I'm still of the opinion on all of the intervening ball shots I've seen in snooker (yes, even j6's) are still the CB curving into the correct spot on the OB to pot it to the side of the pocket.

                When people look at a pot they automatically look to see if it will pot centre pocket but we are all aware slow balls will pot off the far jaw (usually) and slop into the pocket but if those same shots were hit a bit harder they would juggle (except on the amazingly HUGE pockets on the pool tables). As a snooker player I am embarrassed for the players in those American video.

                Also remember, I am first and foremost a snooker player and exce[pt for an insane 2 years do not play pool at all and that is because I found it to be not enough of a challenge although now I'm seeing that perhaps snooker is too much of a challenge for me as I'm not making any big breaks any more.

                Thank you for your input, as acidic as it was sometimes but as Travis would say (maybe j6 too)...I'm happy in my snooker ignorance and I can make any shot anyone else can make with side spin but maybe not as consistently. (Note even j6 missed one attempt and even Travis missed one too, so I stick with my warning to snooker players...side is not something to be trifled with, it takes years of practice to understand and execute it correctly). I think everyone would agree with that.

                Sorry, there's no time to check out formulas this time. My wife is in London using the Tube but she's OK but I spent some time getting her to respond.
                Terry Davidson
                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                • Originally Posted by travisbickle View Post
                  Did you see how the CB spotted dead? Funny that isn't it, who would've thought!
                  I'd like to see you hold for that shot using inside side as you call it.
                  But hey you're the expect on here and you know best!!!
                  Do it on a snooker table Travis and that's expert and thank you very much for the compliment. Nothing has changed after 120 pages of this.
                  Terry Davidson
                  IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                  • Originally Posted by vmax View Post
                    This is what they don't get Tel, they think they're hitting where they're aiming and believe that the OB is being thrown after a full ball contact is made, right for left and left for right, they don't know that the cue ball has swerved slightly.
                    Dr. Dave and his use of plants and sets to prove his theories throw a cloud of confusion over this topic because the squeeze effect is a major part of what's actually happening.

                    Those little stun shots to 'prove' CIT I'm not buying either, at that short distance I'm betting the cue ball is leaving the table a tad and making a thicker contact as a result, and that three ball plant isn't hit correctly either, if it could be done using a Newton's cradle to completely eliminate the squeeze effect the outcome would be a pot 100% of the time.

                    To top it all off there is no nap on the cloth, so the swerve effect we get so much sooner on a snooker table isn't part of Dr. Dave's equation, I asked him about it and he hasn't experimented on a napped cloth, so my opinion isn't changed.

                    As far as I'm concerned this is all that's happening and you make allowances for power, pace and spin with, against and across the nap.

                    So if Travis is running a 'couple of centuries every week' that surely goes to show the power of having faith in something whether it's him or you and I. I'm pretty sure on a 3/4 black with a lot of side the aim of my cue is nearer full ball than anything else, but then again what do I know?
                    Terry Davidson
                    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                    • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                      Well done though as that is a difficult shot which has to be precise and had to be hit perfect is order to pot it. Dare I say it, I don't think SIT or any kind of OB throw was involved and I watched it at .25speed but didn't analyse it as I feel I'm happy with what I have?! and the physics don't matter except to pee off Travis.
                      pretty straight forward stuff when a player has learned to cue a bit.. but yeah okay as long as your happy im happy, another pina colada on deck foe you?


                      • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                        My wife is in London using the Tube but she's OK but I spent some time getting her to respond.
                        Glad she is ok, of course she could be miles away from Parsons Green as London is about 30 miles across
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                          Better tell Travis then because spin transfer is the only way SIT works, meaning the balls have to 'cling' together long enough for a different contact point to be accelerated by the CB. Unless there's some other force at work. I'm still of the opinion on all of the intervening ball shots I've seen in snooker (yes, even j6's) are still the CB curving into the correct spot on the OB to pot it to the side of the pocket.

                          When people look at a pot they automatically look to see if it will pot centre pocket but we are all aware slow balls will pot off the far jaw (usually) and slop into the pocket but if those same shots were hit a bit harder they would juggle (except on the amazingly HUGE pockets on the pool tables). As a snooker player I am embarrassed for the players in those American video.

                          Also remember, I am first and foremost a snooker player and exce[pt for an insane 2 years do not play pool at all and that is because I found it to be not enough of a challenge although now I'm seeing that perhaps snooker is too much of a challenge for me as I'm not making any big breaks any more.

                          Thank you for your input, as acidic as it was sometimes but as Travis would say (maybe j6 too)...I'm happy in my snooker ignorance and I can make any shot anyone else can make with side spin but maybe not as consistently. (Note even j6 missed one attempt and even Travis missed one too, so I stick with my warning to snooker players...side is not something to be trifled with, it takes years of practice to understand and execute it correctly). I think everyone would agree with that.

                          Sorry, there's no time to check out formulas this time. My wife is in London using the Tube but she's OK but I spent some time getting her to respond.
                          i wouldn't agree sry tel, all the players iv showed these shots to in and around the black couldn't thank me enough as it help them to carry on their break and in a few cases beat their personal best.
                          so i say if you can cue a bit use it freely but, learn when to use it and understand all the options of the shot in hand


                          • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                            Better tell Travis then because spin transfer is the only way SIT works, meaning the balls have to 'cling' together long enough for a different contact point to be accelerated by the CB. Unless there's some other force at work. I'm still of the opinion on all of the intervening ball shots I've seen in snooker (yes, even j6's) are still the CB curving into the correct spot on the OB to pot it to the side of the pocket.

                            When people look at a pot they automatically look to see if it will pot centre pocket but we are all aware slow balls will pot off the far jaw (usually) and slop into the pocket but if those same shots were hit a bit harder they would juggle (except on the amazingly HUGE pockets on the pool tables). As a snooker player I am embarrassed for the players in those American video.

                            Also remember, I am first and foremost a snooker player and exce[pt for an insane 2 years do not play pool at all and that is because I found it to be not enough of a challenge although now I'm seeing that perhaps snooker is too much of a challenge for me as I'm not making any big breaks any more.

                            Thank you for your input, as acidic as it was sometimes but as Travis would say (maybe j6 too)...I'm happy in my snooker ignorance and I can make any shot anyone else can make with side spin but maybe not as consistently. (Note even j6 missed one attempt and even Travis missed one too, so I stick with my warning to snooker players...side is not something to be trifled with, it takes years of practice to understand and execute it correctly). I think everyone would agree with that.

                            Sorry, there's no time to check out formulas this time. My wife is in London using the Tube but she's OK but I spent some time getting her to respond.
                            Spin causes the OB to throw. I've never mentioned spinning object balls


                            • When I was potting the 3/4 blacks yesterday and trying to hold the spot I stated LH side held 1 ball width away from the black spot after I sank the black. When I tried RH side, as Jason just used, I see the CB run on pretty much exactly as Jasons did after he potted the black in his ""turn it in pt2"". So, its consistent with my findings yesterday in effect too.

                              This thread will never come to an agreement thats for sure.

                              Thanks for the vid, Jason. Its very informative.
                              JP Majestic
                              9.5mm Elk


                              • Originally Posted by throtts View Post
                                When I was potting the 3/4 blacks yesterday and trying to hold the spot I stated LH side held 1 ball width away from the black spot after I sank the black. When I tried RH side, as Jason just used, I see the CB run on pretty much exactly as Jasons did after he potted the black in his ""turn it in pt2"". So, its consistent with my findings yesterday in effect too.

                                This thread will never come to an agreement thats for sure.

                                Thanks for the vid, Jason. Its very informative.
                                I agree a few on here will never see the real picture. It's their lose mind. You know what they say about old dogs...

