Hi there
As an enthusiast of cueing actions, a connoisseur if you will, I've noticed something common to some players cueing actions that I've never read information on before. I've noticed that while watching certain down-the-cue angles of players such as Ronnie and Judd, on certain shots you can visibly see the cue bending quite a lot on their final backswing. I've read about bringing your chest to the cue as a guide but I haven't heard anyone mention the pressure between the chest and cue. I would have naturally thought you'd want as little pressure as possible as to not bring the cue off line but I've seen otherwise.
You can see here at about 8 seconds that he's delivering the cue and it really shows the bend. This is the same for Judd too though I can't find a video.
Any opinions?
As an enthusiast of cueing actions, a connoisseur if you will, I've noticed something common to some players cueing actions that I've never read information on before. I've noticed that while watching certain down-the-cue angles of players such as Ronnie and Judd, on certain shots you can visibly see the cue bending quite a lot on their final backswing. I've read about bringing your chest to the cue as a guide but I haven't heard anyone mention the pressure between the chest and cue. I would have naturally thought you'd want as little pressure as possible as to not bring the cue off line but I've seen otherwise.
You can see here at about 8 seconds that he's delivering the cue and it really shows the bend. This is the same for Judd too though I can't find a video.
Any opinions?