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Cue action examination (my record ...)

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  • Cue action examination (my record ...)

    Hi , im a beganer and i need someone here to check my cue action i practice without result , and there is no coach in my city ...
    Link to my video :

  • #2
    This should be in the coaching section BTW

    There is body movement, and you are striking from the shoulder and not from the elbow.

    Try to keep your head and body still, only your cue arm should move, eyes on the contact point of the object ball, and only move the cue arm from the elbow, don't drop the upper arm from the shoulder, pull the cue back slowly, pause for a second (say "one thousand" to yourself) and then deliver the cue forwards only from the elbow while keeping your eyes on the object ball.
    The length of your backswing and follow through should be relevant to the power you are using, shorter for slow shots and longer for power shots.
    Hope this helps.
    Speak up, you've got to speak up against the madness, you've got speak your mind if you dare
    but don't try to get yourself elected, for if you do you'll have to cut your hair


    • #3
      thread moved to coaching section
      Up the TSF! :snooker:


      • #4
        You look like your trying to break off in 9 ball pool


        • #5
          You seem to be holding the cue too far back because you aren't getting a proper stroke without the cue rising and falling, and your forearm is behind vertical at the front of your feathering. Your action is pretty long, which isn't going to be effective with that grip position. Oddly, you seem to be a long way up from the butt, so maybe the cue is a bit long. Otherwise, what has been said above. There's a lot of movement, and you really need to strip a lot back and go more simple. All you need is to think of your forearm as a pendulum, swinging from the elbow, and vertical in its resting position. And keep your cue running level, which may need you to release the back of your grip hand more on the backswing


          • #6
            Slow down a bit.


            • #7
              -You're holding your cue with pretty much two fingers-all your other fingers are just hanging there. You need to hold it with more like 3 or 4; only your pinky finger should be just hanging there.
              -If you are just a beginner, I don't think your bridge hand should be so far away from the cue ball; judging from the video, your bridge (thumb and index finger groove) is about 10-12 inches away. Move it closer, so that it's about 8 inches away.

              -Judging from the video, you seem to have your hips a bit squared on the shot. That is not usually a good stance, because it makes your cue have to run under your chest a lot. Try to take a slightly larger step forward into the shot with your left foot.

              -Your cue arm is moving from the shoulder, as others have said. The main reason I see is because you have a VERY straight bridge arm, which makes your cue action much longer than it needs to be. Bend your left arm a bit, and move your body a bit closer to the shot. That will let you move the cue with just your elbow.

              -I am playing your video at half speed, and even at that, your cue is moving a bit to quickly. With that, you are also playing a screw shot with your cue almost digging into the cloth. Bend a bit lower when shooting (bend over from your hips, and NOT your gut), keep cue arm under control, keep your cue more parallel to the cloth, and move the cue a little bit slower. You actually have decent follow-through, so don't worry too much about that.

              -Your tips looks funny on the video. Make sure it is properly dome-shaped. If needed, change the tip.


              • #8
                Thank you all for this bunch of informations , i will try to work on this ,i used to play 8-pool game mor than 10 years , now when i try to improve my cuing on snooker table , i miss some pots that i usual get without taking care of my cuing !!! Is this normal ? (1)
                ~> the virtual ligne where the cue should be if my aiming and cueing are good must be defined before getting into the stance , or i should just define it aproximatvly , and correct it while im cueing , i think this explain (1)

                Thank you again


                • #9
                  Hi thank you sir , to day i find my self doing almost the opposit of what you said here , i try to put my bridge 12 inches far from the cubal so means getting also a litle bit far from the table ... , the cue that im using is for the is for the clube , i steel confused witch one to buy , custom or stsndar ... I want to invest about 200$ what do you suggest for me ?


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Mudza View Post
                    I want to invest about 200$ what do you suggest for me ?
                    Learn to play with the club cue first before stomping up $200 for a game you might not be able to play very well, as we can all see you have a lot of work to do. As for seeing an imaginary line, don't, all you have to do is look at the contact point the cue ball has to make on the object ball, then look at the middle of the cue ball and this will subconsciously inform your brain where the line of aim is.
                    Speak up, you've got to speak up against the madness, you've got speak your mind if you dare
                    but don't try to get yourself elected, for if you do you'll have to cut your hair


                    • #11
                      thank you , is this a common way to get into the shot or it can varie

