I consistently take in all of the hints and tips given on this forum, along with those by Barry Stark, Nic Barrow. and others. and they are all serving me well and my game has improved considerable.
However, despite the fact that I endeavour to stay down on the shot probably 99.9% of the time, I still have difficulty getting my head around the need for this.
My thoughts are, if you have chosen the line of aim correctly, and your stance, grip etc are all good, you will strike the cue ball where you so intended and it will travel along the chosen line. If you then, having struck the cue ball, decide to stand up and wave your cue about in the air, how can this action affect the shot?
You are all no doubt thinking what I am going to say now, and you're right, ALEX HIGGINS, now he was amongst the very best at getting up immediately and waving his cue about as soon as the cue ball has been struck, but what a player.
Now from a personal standpoint I am going to continue to try to stay still and down on the shot but, am interested in what thoughts others may have on the matter.
Happy Easter everyone. Don't eat too much choccy, your newly acquired paunch will hinder your play:biggrin-new:
However, despite the fact that I endeavour to stay down on the shot probably 99.9% of the time, I still have difficulty getting my head around the need for this.
My thoughts are, if you have chosen the line of aim correctly, and your stance, grip etc are all good, you will strike the cue ball where you so intended and it will travel along the chosen line. If you then, having struck the cue ball, decide to stand up and wave your cue about in the air, how can this action affect the shot?
You are all no doubt thinking what I am going to say now, and you're right, ALEX HIGGINS, now he was amongst the very best at getting up immediately and waving his cue about as soon as the cue ball has been struck, but what a player.
Now from a personal standpoint I am going to continue to try to stay still and down on the shot but, am interested in what thoughts others may have on the matter.
Happy Easter everyone. Don't eat too much choccy, your newly acquired paunch will hinder your play:biggrin-new: