I've resolved to do at least 10 hours practise a week, divided between solo and match practise. I've been stuck in a rut for a while and have had the same highest break of 36 for a while but I feel I'm not really doing myself justice. I'm going to use this thread to record my progress and maybe post some videos of solo practise to get some feedback. It's going to be difficult but I'm going to give up alcohol and just devote my free time to snooker. I'm at a point at the age of 33 where I've just plateaued. I want to increase my standard to get more enjoyment out of the game.
I've resolved to do at least 10 hours practise a week, divided between solo and match practise. I've been stuck in a rut for a while and have had the same highest break of 36 for a while but I feel I'm not really doing myself justice. I'm going to use this thread to record my progress and maybe post some videos of solo practise to get some feedback. It's going to be difficult but I'm going to give up alcohol and just devote my free time to snooker. I'm at a point at the age of 33 where I've just plateaued. I want to increase my standard to get more enjoyment out of the game.