My grip hand wrist twists when I bend down for the shot and my cue goes off the line of aim due to that even before I start feathering.What should I do to make sure that there is no wrist twist while I bend down?
My preshot routine is: walk a couple of steps into the shot, bend left knee while standing and then bend down for the shot ,which is where the grip will get tightened due to wrist twist as I try to get my cueing hand on the line of aim.It is probably due to the sudden jerk to the wrist as the arm gets on the line of the aim.
My preshot routine is: walk a couple of steps into the shot, bend left knee while standing and then bend down for the shot ,which is where the grip will get tightened due to wrist twist as I try to get my cueing hand on the line of aim.It is probably due to the sudden jerk to the wrist as the arm gets on the line of the aim.