Is there any thruth in saying the cue action is working correctly if the cue-ball is pushed rather than hit?
This is the way i've been playing recently even though i've been very inconsistent. I feel like pushing the cue-ball is the right thing to do as the sound is better and responsiveness on the cue-ball is improved. However, i'm finding it difficult not to tighten my grip as i push the cue-ball even though i'm lead to believe this is wrong. The VAST majority of instructional articles i've read profess the grip should remain relaxed to completion of the shot. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help and everyone that tries, haha.
This is the way i've been playing recently even though i've been very inconsistent. I feel like pushing the cue-ball is the right thing to do as the sound is better and responsiveness on the cue-ball is improved. However, i'm finding it difficult not to tighten my grip as i push the cue-ball even though i'm lead to believe this is wrong. The VAST majority of instructional articles i've read profess the grip should remain relaxed to completion of the shot. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help and everyone that tries, haha.