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Help with potting

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  • Help with potting

    Hi all im new to the forum I have been playing for nearly a year now but still having trouble potting im going through all different ways of sighting. sometimes i can pot sometimes i miss a really easy pot. i have tryed lining the middle of the white with the middle of the object ball sometimes this works some times it doesnt..Does anybody know what i aim for on the object ball with the white or vice verser. Any help will be a bonus Cheers Karl

  • #2
    Please anybody


    • #3
      read the old thread please


      • #4
        Which one


        • #5
          Imagine a ghost ball on the face of the object ball exactly in line with the pocket you are aiming for. Then hit the cueball so that it ends right there. Sounds easy, doesn't it
          Ten reds and not a colour...


          • #6
            Originally Posted by miscuehamburg
            Imagine a ghost ball on the face of the object ball exactly in line with the pocket you are aiming for. Then hit the cueball so that it ends right there. Sounds easy, doesn't it
            it's a bit hard, IMO, to implement at first but once u get used to the ghost ball concept, it becomes a lot easier... works well when u're not applying side spin but when u do, it's a different ball game!!!


            • #7
              keep practising man!thats the best advice in more..ull see full of ghost balls on the!!


              • #8
                It will help if you imagine the cue ball as a clock face. Left spin is 9, top spin is 12 and a deep screw is 6 etc.


                • #9
                  Before getting to much into finding a method of sighting, make sure you have a consistent cue action. If you can't trust your cue action, you will never know if you're sighting is off or if you're just not hitting the spot your aiming for due to unwanted side or a jerky stroke.

                  Once you have a good, consistent cue action you can start learning the angles and try out different sighting methods to see which one works for you.


                  • #10
                    just got a new member here,the_doctor..hes the coach..lets ask him!


                    • #11
                      Hi all. there is not a right or wrong way to see the angle of pots but let me add another couple.

                      Yes you can imagine a ball (ghost ball) at the angle you wish to hit the object ball. another method is:
                      imagine a line from the pocket through the object ball. the points on the object ball would be furthest away from the pocket (you follow?). So from here, you draw another imaginary line to the cue ball, thus giving you the line of the shot. simply try to put your cue along this line and cue straight along this line.
                      to summarise: pick a spot on the object ball that is furthest away from the pocket and try to strike the cue ball to this point.
                      hope this helps.
                      "Don't think, feel"


                      • #12
                        i find this method a lil difficult to apply in certain angles, especially thin cuts where one has to evaluate/imagine which part of the cueball will first come in contact with the farthest point from the pocket on the object ball (hence cueing along the mentioned line would be useless)... i find the ghost ball method more applicable in such cases!!

                        but like your signature says "don't think, feel"


                        • #13
                          What about shots with sidespins? I'm having trouble aiming with those.


                          • #14
                            Sidespin is all about Feel and cueing straight but you should'nt worry about it at least untill you can put all the reds away without it.

