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how to dominate the black?

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  • #16
    To be quite honest I don't really understand the OP's question. Dominating the black? What does that mean!

    The key success to break building is cue ball control and not leaving yourself difficult pots. The game really isn't that difficult if you can master that particular aspect.


    • #17
      Here are my tips for dominating the black

      Firstly, Learn from the professionals on television, in some countries they do not get as much TV coverage as others. So watch as much as you can (within reason!).
      Secondly, Here are some tips for breakbuilding around the black spot, I am repeating some of the tips like Semir posted just to make this complete,
      1. Instead of playing on just one red each time, try to play into areas. For example play on reds by saying in your head, well if I hit this shot slightly too hard then i'm on this red, and if I hit this shot too slow, then i'm on this red. So simply what I mean is play into areas, with plenty of reds so that if you are not on a red that you chose, chances are that you are on another one. It gets more difficult when only one or two reds are left on the table because there are less reds to get on, but it does get slightly easier because there is more space with less reds, thats why most 147 chances are missed on the last 5 reds or so, because there are less reds to choose from.
      2. Always think is it time to go into the reds or can I play one the loose reds outside the pack.
      3. Sometimes people say, oh this player always goes into the reds early, what you should do is try and open the reds at the right time.
      4. Always have a good angle, to go where you want and to keep the cue ball under control, a thin angle means a wild cue ball barring cannons.
      5. Look at little cannons and see if you can cannon into a ball which will then open the reds and keep you on another red.
      6. Use your common sense, and don't go into the reds to early, relax and there is no need to hit the balls 100mph.
      7. Think about the shot itself, the position and where to hit the cue ball BEFORE the shot, and address the cue ball where you mean to strike it.

      Because I can't coach you personally, I can't see your strengths and weaknesses, but I hope you appreciate the knowledge that I have passed on to you, and there is only a limited amout of knowledge that I can give over a computer.

      Listen to knowledgeable coaches, commmentators and players (knowedgeable ones!)

      Also to help you more, I am not sure if you are fimilar with the video website YouTube.

      Follow the links for breakbuilding tips and breaks. And explore!

      I hope you watch these videos above (free videos), they may be a different language but I hope you appreciate the videos and the limited amount of knowledge I can give over the computer.

      Just press the above links for 147 commentated by pro players, I forgot the links in order I added them on this page so just follow the links and see the videos. Its 147s, demonstration 147s etc. Just learn from it really, and enjoy!

      If you want any more knowledge then PM me or post it where I can see it or whatever.

      Other websites with tips are,

      The YouTube ones are YouTube usernames with other 147s, century breaks and other Snooker videos for your interest.

      and for lots more Snooker videos and other.

      I hope you appreciate this,

      Thank You,
      From Chris.


      • #18
        thanks danny, thinsy (and bongo who by "repeating" some of what i said and going further) for agreeing what i posted was "spot on"/good

        unfortunately im able to talk to pros and coaches, such like Stephen Hendry, Marco Fu and Terry Griffiths to name but 3, and hold my own in such conversations regarding many aspects of snooker, including breakbuilding,but not some folk

        when asked for posts on this subject, and getting a reply in simple terms, the village idiot couldnt understand it, and when asking for more details, and then asked back which points he needed to understand or needed elaborated, he couldnt do that correctly either.

        still, if i think i can help folk, ill post, even if it is in reply to folk like him, as others will possibly benefit from what i write.

        @ dingshot (or whatever unbanned name you are these days): if i want your opinion on one of my posts i'll throw you a bone.


        • #19
          @ bongo:

          some good advice there. a very good basis from which to learn and get into the habit of breakbuilding in your head, before doing it on the practice table


          • #20
            Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer
            it was aimed at one, and yes im not a professional player.

            you are a cheeky c**t though!

            PMSL Sem.

            A truly vile word reserved for extra special occasions. Profanities Johnnie Walker's Black Label if you will!

            Like you said leaving a slight angle on the black is always important. Potting the black as many times as possible without moving the white by hand is good pracatice around the black spot.


            • #21
              I like to gain as much understanding as I can on how the cue ball reacts off the bottom cushion coming up into the red area, and how hitting the cue ball with different speeds and at different spots would affect its path. I am still learning, but have noticed some imporvements once I started to visualize how my cue ball will come off the cushion after I pot the black. I try to really focus on where I am hitting my cue ball, and be as precise as possible.

              I also find it useful to cut the cue ball up into more pieces in my mind, and try to understand the difference in reaction of the cue ball when striking it at various points (e.g. 1.5 tip blow center, .5 tip to the left...etc, rather than just say 7 o'clock) I find that this improves my ability to control my cue ball in small areas when I am a bit off and need to play very good position around some tight spot.

              Like I said, I am still learning, and I am by no means someone good enough to give advice to a pro. I practise about 4 to 5 hours a day, and have just recently noticed some improvement on my cue ball control, so I just want to share it.


              • #22
                when ive helped out other players, the way ive started to describe places on the cueball to hit is by using a clock face, as its very easy to understand, but i dont just use a clock face. if i tell them "half past 7" they now know, after my explanation, that the point between 7 on a clockface and centre cueball is where i mean. anything beyond this the players are usually of a higher standard and know how to work a cueball, so that you can use more technical terms for the shots.

                IMHO the hard bit is for lesser players to visualise where to position the cueball for the next shot. they walk round, pick the spot, but then find it difficult to compute that when taking the shot.a good hint for doing this when coaching is to get the amateur coach [SEMIH] to use a high power beam torch/laser beam/ to highlight the position the cueball should be. in average players, it does see quite a rapid improvement, and start to wean them off it slowly


                • #23
                  thanks bongo..ur explanation is much much more easier to understand than semih\'s one..and better quality..

                  Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer
                  when ive helped out other players, the way ive started to describe places on the cueball to hit is by using a clock face, as its very easy to understand, but i dont just use a clock face. if i tell them \"half past 7\" they now know, after my explanation, that the point between 7 on a clockface and centre cueball is where i mean. anything beyond this the players are usually of a higher standard and know how to work a cueball, so that you can use more technical terms for the shots.

                  IMHO the hard bit is for lesser players to visualise where to position the cueball for the next shot. they walk round, pick the spot, but then find it difficult to compute that when taking the shot.a good hint for doing this when coaching is to get the amateur coach [SEMIH] to use a high power beam torch/laser beam/ to highlight the position the cueball should be. in average players, it does see quite a rapid improvement, and start to wean them off it slowly


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by dingshot
                    thanks bongo..ur explanation is much much more easier to understand than semih\'s one..and better quality..
                    couldnt just say thanks to bongo could you? instead you have a little dig, again. you cheeky c**t!!


                    • #25
                      Agreed. I don't see whats so wrong with calling someone a cheeky coat anyway. Coats keep us warm in the winter and make an ideal makeshift rug for those spontanious sexual moments.



                      • #26
                        A polite request

                        Is it possible to refrain from using language which is necessary to be asterisked out? Even with the asterisks, I think this forum is better off without such remarks.

                        This is the last post on this thread not related to break-building.


                        • #27
                          the absolute must, IMHO, to break builing in general, but especially around the black is to not have the cueball travel further than is required.

                          ie, nothing fancy. the less spin and pace and cushion hits the better, normally, when the reds are spread.

                          going into the pack early will see more frame winning breaks, so more chance of making high value colours [blacks] in that break


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by Semih_Sayginer
                            the absolute must, IMHO, to break builing in general, but especially around the black is to not have the cueball travel further than is required.

                            ie, nothing fancy. the less spin and pace and cushion hits the better, normally, when the reds are spread.

                            going into the pack early will see more frame winning breaks, so more chance of making high value colours [blacks] in that break
                            ... And, indeed, although you might get fed up with Willie Thorne saying it, it makes the previous shot all the more important.

                            I.e. gaining the correct angle on the previous ball that means you don't have to send the cue-ball so far for the next ball.

                            As bongo said earlier, there are enough reds and colours on the table at the start of a game, that if you can position yourself on potentially a number of reds, you are keeping your options open and there will probably be a fairly easy shot to get ideally on the colour, and so on.

                            And, while the opening poster refers to dominating the black, if you run out of ideal ways of getting on the black, don't be afraid to play for the blue or other colour if it's easier to get position on. You can return to the black when you're back in a position to get to it.


                            • #29
                              indeed Statman. IMHO dominating the black shouldnt mean trying for all blacks when all the shots are much more difficult than playing for say pink or blue, unless a specific 147 attempt is being tried.


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by MrRottweiler
                                Agreed. I don't see whats so wrong with calling someone a cheeky coat anyway. Coats keep us warm in the winter
                                Ha Ha, cheeky coat instead of c**t!

                                Serously though, keep to breakbuilding, not beyond!

                                Thank You for the good comments on my posts!

