Hi friends,
i just realised something in my game and want some advice with you guys.
I'm an average snooker player i.e making minimum 30 breaks in most frames...
i don't know if it's lack of practice causing that cos i play only 1 or max 2 times a week.
When i start a match,my concentration seems very present .Say we are playing 7 frames,i realise i struggle in my last frames.Concentration gone and my cue action is no longer smooth and tend to miss easy pots which puts even more pressure as ur opponent tends to capitalise on it.
your comments are most welcome...
happy potting,
djamil xxx:snooker:
i just realised something in my game and want some advice with you guys.
I'm an average snooker player i.e making minimum 30 breaks in most frames...
i don't know if it's lack of practice causing that cos i play only 1 or max 2 times a week.
When i start a match,my concentration seems very present .Say we are playing 7 frames,i realise i struggle in my last frames.Concentration gone and my cue action is no longer smooth and tend to miss easy pots which puts even more pressure as ur opponent tends to capitalise on it.
your comments are most welcome...
happy potting,
djamil xxx:snooker: