Just realized that my bridge hand (the palm) is not dead straight with the cue ball. I have a tendency to bend it a bit to the right. as a result, when I raise my thumb for top spin the palm of my hand (Thumb pad) is raised off the table.
Now, I keep my bridge hand as central as I can in it works perfect for top spins, but for all other shots I find it hard to correct (bad habit?). from what I have seen in the web its recommended to keep the bridge hand as central as you can:
Am i doing the right thing by trying to keep it central ? any advice will very appreciated. TIA
Now, I keep my bridge hand as central as I can in it works perfect for top spins, but for all other shots I find it hard to correct (bad habit?). from what I have seen in the web its recommended to keep the bridge hand as central as you can:
Am i doing the right thing by trying to keep it central ? any advice will very appreciated. TIA