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Screwing back best method?

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  • #16
    good replies thanks guys


    • #17
      You make your bridge as low as possible. You strike the cue ball half way between centre ball and the cloth with a level cue stroke.
      The farther you follow through with your stroke, the farther the cue ball bill draw back,
      and this can be a very long way.


      • #18
        Players who never had a period in their life where they practiced this draw/screwback stroke exclusively for some time NEVER quite got the hang of it.
        Follow good advices here, but please spend time with it exclusively alone at the table if you have trouble with this. You'll get it soon enough. If after a week time you still can't get a lot of backspin with little effort I'll be amazed. Most players don't spend enough time with shots that are troubling them. And when you "get it", you'll quickly lose it that type of stroke if you don't maintain practice routine.
        Most players rely too much on their natural talent, i.e they don't work on their weaknesses and don't practice alone but rather play against an opponent all the time.


        • #19
          I couldn't do proper screw backs when applying a lot of cueing power until just about two days ago.

          After every shot I would just stay frozen-like, and analize the bridge height, elbow position and where the tip of the cue has ended. I had the low bridge, cue almost parallel with the table but it just wasn't happening for me because when striking the cueball hard the cue would always have this upwards motion.

          So what I tried was this..during the stroke, I set my goal to drive the tip of the cue into the cloth (I practiced that on a small crappy pool table), so I had to go through the white ball to actually drive it into the cloth. You might find it easier using a bit of a wrist action, like tilting the cue with your wrist during the shot if the cue keeps going upwards. So after about half an hour of only screw shot practising I could screw back from quite long distances.

