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Getting Better..

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  • Getting Better..

    Hey again all ( ive been off here for a while) lol.

    The last time I was on here, I wasnt a comfortable player but over the last few months ive improved i think...i can knock long pots in and I make regular 30+breaks but my highest only being 41.

    I understand most of the shots but i struggle playing with side as it totally throws the white of line on a shot, do you have any tips/practice drills to playing with side?


    Im playing 4hours a day at the moment and my aim is to make a 50 within the next few weeks and something around a 60 bfore the end of the year, with this much practice, do you think this is possible?

    Thanks alot

  • #2
    For your question about if your aim is possible, only you can answer that one as I can't see you play to see if the target is realistic.

    I would aim to get bigger breaks before working on side spin.


    • #3
      Hey its nice to hear your improving. What do you understand about side? You are aware that when you apply left hand side, for example, the cue ball initially moves to the right and vice-versa? Therefore, you would need to allow for the side to "take" Let me know your knowledge regarding using side, either on here or in a PM.
      Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

      China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
      Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


      • #4
        When I first started to play with side, i did the following excercise.
        1. cue ball high on the blue. pot blue - screw stun with running side - 2 cushions to get position on pink.
        2. cue ball low on the blue. same shot as above (but can use check side as well) but goes through brown/yellow or brown/green 2 cushions ( try to avoid cannon into the baulk colours) to get back to middle of the table.
        3. open the pack off yellow / green

        If you can do this 7-9 out of 10 then, you should be able to play with side comfortably.


        • #5
          forgot another important one.

          straight on black off the spot. screw with reverse side to get position for yellow.
          (this one really helps!)


          • #6
            Would you mind explaining how you go about aiming and playing the reverse side straight black? As I understand it you would play bottom right cue ball, but am I right in thinking you have to adjust the aim? I've never been entirely sure about this when I've experimented with it.


            • #7
              Using side, as RocketRoy83 said, does push the cue ball off line. There is only one way to master side and thats playing it and getting used to how the cue ball reacts. Every player cues differently so the cue ball will react differently for me than it will for you, also if i used your cue it will be different from when i use my cue (and vice versa) because cues throw differently, if you hit the cue ball hard with side it will throw different to if you play the same side but more gentle...... Confused yet?


              My point being side is a dangerous thing! By all means practice it when on your own but i wouldn't get too involved with it in matches just yet! I make regular breaks of 50 and above every time i play and i very rarely use side...

              If your potting and positional play is good without using side a 50/60 break is easily posibble...

              Good luck.
              Highest Break
              Practice: 136 (2005)
              Match: 134 (2006)
              In 2011: 94
              Centuries made: 50+


              • #8
                Originally Posted by thinsy View Post
                Using side, as RocketRoy83 said, does push the cue ball off line. There is only one way to master side and thats playing it and getting used to how the cue ball reacts. Every player cues differently so the cue ball will react differently for me than it will for you, also if i used your cue it will be different from when i use my cue (and vice versa) because cues throw differently, if you hit the cue ball hard with side it will throw different to if you play the same side but more gentle...... Confused yet?


                My point being side is a dangerous thing! By all means practice it when on your own but i wouldn't get too involved with it in matches just yet! I make regular breaks of 50 and above every time i play and i very rarely use side...

                If your potting and positional play is good without using side a 50/60 break is easily posibble...

                Good luck.

                Absolutely the more plain ball potting you can use the better.
                Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

                China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
                Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by pringe View Post
                  Would you mind explaining how you go about aiming and playing the reverse side straight black? As I understand it you would play bottom right cue ball, but am I right in thinking you have to adjust the aim? I've never been entirely sure about this when I've experimented with it.
                  Unfornately. as thinsy mentioned previously, cue ball reacts differently to different cue actions and cues. but if you understand the path of the cue ball after applying side, you should be able to adjust through experience


                  • #10
                    Hey Boxy how are you getting on much practice since Tuesday?
                    Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

                    China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
                    Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by RocketRoy1983 View Post
                      Hey Boxy how are you getting on much practice since Tuesday?
                      Not too bad mate. I hit a 32 in a match tonight, 4 reds, 4 blacks but broke down going into the pack!

