The lineup has recently become my favourite training. I'm still a relative novice (only picked up my first cue in Feb 2018) and for almost two years I kept on thinking the lineup was just frustrating and stayed away from it. But then, I started challenging myself in January and the highest break has steadily increased until I got to 79; but the lockdown interrupted everything. After the lockdown I will be back to 16 I guess...
My favourite scheme is 1 / black / 5 / pink / 7 / blue / 2. But I always do three other routines before the lineup (straight pots, angles, and colour clearance), keeping a diary of the potting rates in each routine, it's helping me a lot.
BTW, in the diary I have collected sufficient data to calculate the impact of using a truly professional table / pockets vs the truly bad club table I usually use; maybe the lockdown will give me enough spare time to get the exact numbers out, but back-of-the-envelope the pro table reduces (my own) potting rates by around 8% across the various routines.
My favourite scheme is 1 / black / 5 / pink / 7 / blue / 2. But I always do three other routines before the lineup (straight pots, angles, and colour clearance), keeping a diary of the potting rates in each routine, it's helping me a lot.
BTW, in the diary I have collected sufficient data to calculate the impact of using a truly professional table / pockets vs the truly bad club table I usually use; maybe the lockdown will give me enough spare time to get the exact numbers out, but back-of-the-envelope the pro table reduces (my own) potting rates by around 8% across the various routines.