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  • Practice

    Hello everyone I was wondering about the practice in snooker.

    Has anyone got any practice routines I could practice to improve my snooker game. Could you please say:
    [*]The name of the practice routine.[*]How to set up the practice routine.[*]How to practice the practice routine.

    and anything else I may need to know.

    If you want to talk more about snooker add my MSN:

    Many thanks to all The Snooker Forum users from Daniel Westhead.

  • #2
    heres a couple of websites that have lots of useful practice routines:
    New Zealands biggest snooker fan


    • #3
      the nic barrow practice routines are quite helpful.


      • #4
        If you type in practice routines in search there are already some useful threads on practice routines. Here is the search:


        • #5
          the best way to practice is the line up or simply just keep playing snooker agaist good opition. enter some pro ams at pontins or play the best player at your club
          its all experience.


          • #6
            put a red near the black, pot em both, then set two reds up pot the 16 break, then 3 reds and so on, when u miss start again.


            • #7
              It all depends on your level of ability. But, here are a number of ideas.

              1. Short blues, place a red on the blue spot, and white 1/2 way between red and pocket in a perfectly straight line. Pot the red into the opposite pocket with center, stub, top and screw. When potting with top make the white follow the red into the pocket. Target: 10 reds potted, 7+ whites following (when playing with top)... the more the better.

              2. Long blues, place a red on the blue spot, and white on the baulk line to have a straight pot to a black pocket (practice with both/either). Pot the red with center, stun, top and screw. When playing with top make the white follow the red into the pocket. Target: 7+ reds and 5+ whites following. (obviously more is better)

              3. Clear the colours, place the colours on their spots and with white in hand (for first pot on yellow) clear them all.

              4. Line up. Place the black and pink on thier spots and 3 reds between them. With white in hand, clear them all playing red, colour, red, etc. Target: pot all the reds with a final colour. Restrictions; do not run into any other balls than the one you're potting. Stop and reset if you miss. I often re-play a miss until I pot it before re-setting.

              5. Extended line up. As above but all colours on their spots and reds right up the table up to/past the blue and some below the black. As above, clear them all. Target: as many as you can. Restrictions: do not run into any ball but the one you're potting.

              6. Close control. Place 5 reds up the middle of the table around/on the blue spot. With white in hand play close/short/gentle stun/screw and run through shots, pot all 5 without missing. Target: 5 balls without missing or using any cushions for position.

              7. Blacks off the spot. Place a red on the black spot, white in hand. Pot the red, without moving the white from where it landed, place a new red on the spot, pot it, repeat. The key here is controlling the white using roll through, stun and screw shots to remain "on the black" each time. Target: as many as you can.

              8. "On the spot" game, see this video

              9. "Wagon Wheel" drill see this video
              This is all about knowing how to, and achieving the possible white ball paths off the object ball using top, stun, screw. (note; side spin will not affect the path of the white off the object ball before it hits a rail and this all all about modifying that initial path).

              10. Screw control, place the red on the yellow or green spot. Stand on the opposite side of the table. Place the white so that you can pot the red with screw and have the white travel down the center of the table (more or less, it does not have to be exact). Pot this a few times with maximum screw to find your upper limit/maximum screw distance. Place the black ball at this distance. Place coloured balls along the white ball path at various intervals from short to the black. Now, place a red on the spot and choose a coloured ball, play 5 shots attempting to screw to that exact spot. Repeat with a new colour. Target: screw 5 balls to each colour exactly.

              11. Practice potting with the rest.

              12. Practice potting with side.
              "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
              - Linus Pauling


              • #8
                break building, long potting, cant go wrong


                • #9

                  Long pots, cue ball control and target practise (trying to pot a ball and put another ball somewhere on the table and try and hit the other ball) this will help you gain better and improved cue ball control), and theres nothing better than a good break building excercise to help you gain confidence going forward
                  Good luck with it buf

